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August 6th, 2011 at 03:34 am
So, since quitting, I have made plans to have a garage sale at the end of this month to keep from going in the red too quickly.
Our wedding is in November, only three months away, and one month ahead of the holidays.
I made a promise to my son that if he received nothing but good remarks from school for the first semester, he would receive an X-Box for Christmas.
I know this seems extreme to some, but if he goes 90 school days without getting in trouble ONCE, then he deserves it!!!
I will be working extra at my security job I have had since 2006, so we aren't in dire straits.
The State Fair is here today and I will be working at my job I quit for one more week.
The people I am training to take over are in awe of the crap that I have been dealing with over the last almost full year and don't know how they will do it.
I said to ask the boss if they didn't know where something went, such as checks written with no reason, and they knew that he would lie or make up a reason before even asking.
That's why I am leaving.
I hope the kids school year does well, that our wedding goes off without a hitch (pun intended), and the year finishes as well as it started.
I bought four dollars in scratch off tickets and won $20. I think I'll be starting up with the challenge again. I find change constantly and never add it up. I will again be doing this. 
Great to be back and doing so well!
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August 2nd, 2011 at 12:45 am
I quit my job. I was trying to stick it out until I got one year in, but I just couldn't. I quit on principal. I was working for an accountant who did more than fudge the numbers. When it came to lying to the government and doing EXACTLY what they say NOT to do, he was lying about them not doing it, when in fact, they were.
I have issues with writing payroll checks for two thousand dollars when the foster children they work FOR aren't getting their benefits.
I hope you aren't upset with me, quitting in this day and age. Funny, we always call the current strange thing "this" day and age. It was one hundred years ago, and today.
My fiance is in a stable job he's had for over three years and I do have my security job I've worked at since 2006.
I'm not jobless, just Mon-Fri while kids were in school, don't want a guilty conscience, accounting job.
I don't know why I worked there, I have no degree in that field, no experience, but I am good in an office and that showed.
I know that he is upset I am leaving, but that's because he won't find anyone willing to do this type of thing either.
I feel better about it, so that's life. It goes on, and we push through.
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April 7th, 2011 at 02:49 pm
Tomorrow, I'm going to ask my boss if I can work Monday through Friday again. I have been doing three days for the last month or so and I am anxious about my kids over summer break. I want to take it back down to three days then as my night job will pick up as the warm weather progresses.
I love summer. It brings out the best music!
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March 22nd, 2011 at 08:28 pm
I offered to take some tax papers to the bank and have them notarized for free, as I am a customer.
My boss stated that I could take them home and bring them back.
I had no intention of using my personal car, on my own personal time.
I advised him that the bank wasn't far and that I could run it then and there, have it back and we could send it today.
He looked at me like I picked my nose.
Didn't I offer to use my car, use my service, and have it all free for him? Why would I not get paid for working for him?
Needless to say, I left and was back in 30 minutes. I'm a hero, but I didn't think it was such a hard decision.
I will think twice before offering my car next time.
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March 21st, 2011 at 11:52 pm
Well, I took today off for two doctor appointments, but am working tomorrow to make up for it. I also work Willie Nelson this Saturday and another show Sunday.
That is five days of working for me this week. Yeah!
Summer means hours pick up, more concerts, more money!
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May 28th, 2010 at 01:03 am
So much going on. I forgot spring was so busy.
Little league baseball, official score keeper
Concert season on a roll, official patter-downer
Moving to a new house, new school district, new side of town
About to graduate, but not with the GPA I started with, in a few weeks, kids out of school next week
Indy 500, work, and the holiday of remembrance for all those who died for us to have the freedom to enjoy a bar-b-que or whatever we desire
So much to worry about, not letting stress get to me
Forgetting those who cause more stress in my life will be easier said than done
I will not stop reaching for my dreams and goals.
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December 2nd, 2009 at 01:21 pm
I am about to go to my gall bladder ultrasound for my study drug. I hope it is good. I will get $1115 for the entire study at the end of eight months. I really want the $180 for today. Too bad I won't get it till next week.
That's okay. Maybe I'll get it today.
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August 31st, 2009 at 06:34 am
Well, working the last two nights instead of three took some hours, but I did pocket some change off the ground last night, so I think I made out.
I forgot I got a raise and have earned an extra $.50 an hour more. Tonight I earned $48.88 before taxes. Last night I made the same so I get $97.76! Woo Hoo
Also, I picked up so much change off the ground that I couldn't fit it all into my change purse. COOL
I am sort of nervous about my call tomorrow on the Dave Ramsey show. Should I be getting a lot of info ready to go in case he asks me? How do I keep from babbling or sounding foolish? You know what is really foolish? I am holding on to two of those $1 a day movies and I haven't even watched one. I will do it tomorrow and take them back. That goes on my to do list. As well as getting my check, taking it to the bank, and paying on the light and gas bills! Go me, pay the bills, it's your birthday!
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August 26th, 2009 at 09:14 pm
Actually, I found three. Two in front of the CVS doors, one by the gas pump, next to a used Mentos that I did not take and one dime at work on the sidewalk.
All and all it was a good night. I only worked five hours, but it's better than nothing.
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August 21st, 2009 at 05:55 am
Went to work tonight. Made $59.50 before taxes. Picked up $.20 change tonight but had some REALLY STIFF competition. There was a police officer who would pick it up right after the person dropped it. Why would you be so rude. If they are standing right there, give it to them. But he was really petty about it. A penny fell and he actually went under my feet to get it. I told him next time, I would step on his fingers. There was another penny, and I think he believed my threat because he didn't dive bomb after it. I stood on it and he waited right next to me waiting for me to move for 30 minutes. I figured he was really hard up for money. Anyway, that gave me something to talk about. I still found 1/5 a dollar.
Found money is a wonderful thing.
Counting money jar balance:$9.13
Total now:$9.38
Something's wrong with my counter!!!!!
Oh, I went back to college. I signed up Tuesday and go the end of September. Wonder what classes I'll have and what books I have to buy.
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August 16th, 2009 at 05:14 pm
I went to work and bought dinner from the roach coach, but that was about it. We received free tickets for a pre-season football game, spending nothing there. And today, I am making pork chops that we have had in the freezer and plan on spending nothing today too!!!!!
That's a lot for me!
Found $.70 at work on the ground too. Don't ask me what my balance is, I don't think I have one. Right now my counting money jar says $8.86 in change on my desk. Way to go me!
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August 5th, 2009 at 02:15 am
I am shocked that after all this hard work that I had done over the last eight months has been to end in flames after less than two months of penny rolling.
My yard sale is two days away and I am worried that I won't have anything but a couple of cents and a couple of bucks for change. When I first got set up I had $60 for change. This week just needs to shape up.
Working less, which is weird, since I just got a $0.50 raise. My boss said that it would be on my check from yesterday, but it wasn't. When I asked him, he said that I should be happy I got it. Okay, but I still haven't gotten it yet! And it would have really helped to be on this check!
Signed oldest kid up for a runner's club after school two nights a week for 4 1/2 weeks. That should help him get some activity and separate the brothers that need some alone time. Got to get out there and find a job that will work with my schedule of school and my kid's school. Good Luck!
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July 24th, 2009 at 01:26 pm
Last night was good for me. I found 28 cents and I earned $56 (before taxes). So, I guess I have something to put into the bank now. I also scored a bottle of Jose' that I will be using tonight at work. I am not working, so it will be good. Can't party too much though. Saturday is an all day festival show. Yeah!
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July 22nd, 2009 at 12:10 am
Paying off cards to get the credit card companies to stop calling me 20 times a day hardly seems worth it. I am now $200 lighter and my life seems bleak. Rent is paid, but we still have no hot water. The cable company is going to shut us off and repo our box. I don't know how much longer I can take this. My children have started school and their supplies and textbook fees really strapped me. At least I don't have to pay the $50 a week for Kindergarten this year.
$658 for gas due
$117 for cable due
$132 for phone due
$156 for lights due
$50 for one credit card due
$40 for another credit card due
$101 for yet another credit card due
$60 for my major credit card due
$18 for my last credit card due
My head is above water for now, but it won't be soon. My kids keep me going. My job lets me hang on. My sanity is still in check. Without those things, you would never hear from me again.
What is the name of my blog? You must first help yourself, which I have been doing, by doing a minimum of 20 hours of job searching every week. That is time I could be working and earning money, but my job isn't the best about giving hours. It isn't their fault. I will continue to look, since I am to be starting school again this fall.
Wish me luck!
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July 11th, 2009 at 06:31 pm
Work and more work are planned for this weekend. We are sitting at home with the kids and watching TV. Lunch will come out of the freezer and dinner is on Dad. I hope that it doesn't rain on me at work tonight. It is raining now, so that is why we aren't going anywhere. Also, I work 25 miles away so I am saving our gas. Next week is back to school night and school starts that next Monday. Time flew so fast. We have most of our supplies ready to go. I hope that we have a good year this year.
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July 6th, 2009 at 03:10 pm
These next two weeks are going to be outrageous with things that need to be done. I have already started on the laundry from our trip, but other than that I have to schedule my son's eye surgery, we have a family meeting with the school counselor, a lot of bills are due, and work is hounding me to come in early this week. Tomorrow I have to sign up the boys for school and finish getting their school supplies together. What else needs to be on my plate right now. I am starting school in the fall too. I had a six month break and I am ready to go back, get into the grove, and graduate. Hopefully with my degrees I can talk my boss into that raise I've deserved for over a year. I could also talk him into some working while the kids are at school sort of thing. I did that for a while, but he wanted me to do physical work instead of paperwork. I really hated getting dressed in my fancy office clothes to dust and clean on my hands and knees. I had no problem doing the laundry of the company, but really, scrubbing the table legs in a dress didn't work for me and I told him. Since I am deaf on the phone, I wasn't the best message taker for lunch time either.
I am going to be looking for a new job. Wish me luck.
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July 3rd, 2009 at 12:25 pm
Well, my lease is up in October. I really want to leave this dump, but it's cheap and has a great school for my little n's. Without finding a full time job that pays at least min. wage, I can't afford to go anywhere. I say at least minimum because I could be a waitress and make a few bucks. That won't be enough.
Right now rent is cheap for the good area I'm in, but I think my family needs more. I know that we should be happy for what we have, but my 6-y-o told me that our house is too small to get away from his brother. Two bedrooms, living room, kitchen and bath. That is a really tiny place when you write it down. I guess I'm not counting everything. There's a small bathroom, smaller laundry room, and a hallway connecting the four major rooms. I found a place with three bedrooms, fenced in backyard, attached garage, with new windows and insulation. $560 to $875 is quite a jump. DH won't let us move because he is the only one really working. My job is a joke. I work one week and not for two. Since I get paid bi-weekly, it sort of doesn't pay at all. I have to drive 45 miles to get 6 or 7 hours in and then drive home at 1 in the morning, and for what? To get a paycheck for $100 twice a month? Yes. At least I have that. I have to remind myself to be thankful for what I have. Maybe I'll find a cute small house for the same amount of money in November. I'm sure that my landlord will be flexible with me. I am their best tennant.
I am happy we have a house and aren't living off our parents.
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June 16th, 2009 at 06:41 pm
Well, the children are home from school, as am I until the fall. Times are good. We are eating, Joe and I are working, and everything is right in the world.
We are struggling to make ends meet with bills, including rent, but we are still happy and healthy. So, I complain not.
I guess I am a little bummed out about canceling our bar-b-que to celebrate little league letting out. But, I have to work all this weekend.
I also am thankful for having the foresight to not spend any extra money on clothes this spring. Although my oldest can't fit the shorts I bought for Christmas, we are getting by. The cigarette man is getting more money from me, and I hate that, but I am stuck in his snare and am having a hard time letting go. I went for 4 and 1/2 days last time, giving in only because I could. The stress level was high, but I made it the other days without.
Sending my hope out to you, those who think that it can't get any worse. It will soon get better for you. Don't wait for something to happen to you. Do it for yourself.
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April 16th, 2009 at 02:27 pm
Starting a new job can be hard. I didn't know that starting a new business would be this hard. I knew it would be hard, and cost money, but not this much.
I have put all my faith into myself to do this and do it well. I just hope that all of my hard work pays off and that I am back in the black again soon.
I guess that you get out of it what you put into it. Since I am putting my all into it, I should have a healthy reward. I also plan on having this business build my credit up enough to buy a house in less than three years. I have one picked out, but if push comes to shove, I have one built on some remote piece of land down south.
Any ideas on what I could do to further my business? I will take all sorts of advice, even if it isn't the best.
I am going to sell my heart out at the Spring Fling tomorrow night, with the help of my best friend. Also, when my Mom gets back in the country, she can help me with networking a home party for her friends. She is so good at getting people with money to come to a party, drink some, and spend whatever they want.
I went to a Mary Kay party that she had for a customer she served in a bar. Why did she help her so much? She liked her shoes. I have to admit, they were awesome shoes, but really, that is where I get my salesmanship prowess from, her.
I think I am stressing to much over this, but I am because I have spent a lot of money on this deal. Money that I didn't really have to begin with. But, if this goes well, guess who will be paying debt down faster than Dave R. can say "snowball".
Anyone who owns their own business that can give me some pointers about getting over the beginning sticker shock of prices and how to maximize my minimal advertising?
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January 18th, 2009 at 09:56 pm
Why oh why do I always say I will do something good with my money and then always blow it.
I can't say that I always blow it, but I do burn it up quickly.
Fast food:$38 and change at White Castle, $6 for McDonald's for one just a minute ago. $7 and change for McDonald's last night for two.
Gas spent going to these places:$.50 for the White Castle, at least. $.25 for both McDonald's.
Well, that is way to much to be throwing away.
That's only two days and three different stops.
Granted, the kid's nuggets were for quickness, but the laziness for dinner last night was all mine.
I have shamelessly posted my wares for sale on this site, as I have lost resources at my job. My schooling is doing good, but I have put a lot in my lap and now I have to put it away in proper order. My classes are getting harder now and winter is taking it's toll on us by being couped up all day and night. My children need to run. I should take them to a gym somewhere.
I am very proud of myself for not buying alcohol for two weeks straight. My cousin who lives next door wants to drink at night. I already feel guilty for not spending any time with my DS2BH, so to do that, either here or there isn't being with him. I am not going to Girlz Nite this Tuesday either. I am staying here and putting the kids to bed early.
I shall get my effects in order, since it is coming up on tax time and all. I do it as soon as I get it. My refund comes faster and it is done and out of the way.
My credit card should be arriving soon, which is cool, but my interest rate is going up. That is not cool.
To that I bid ado.
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January 4th, 2009 at 03:48 am
I am going to start paying myself for doing chores around the house. I think I will do them more, and if I pretend really hard, I will work as hard as if I was working for someone else. I can give 110% to an employee, but myself is another story.
I will start doing this tomorrow. $1.00 per item. Yes, I am petty and will get $1.00 for sorting, $1.00 for washing, $1.00 for drying, $1.00 for folding and hanging, and $1.00 for putting it away.
That will make things around here a lot different. Where will I get this money to pay myself? I obviously can't take money out of my pocket and put it into my piggy bank. I will keep track of it like an employer would and pay myself at the end of the week. This is a great system. I just have to go to work everyday, keeping track of time and cash.
I will have to track that sort of stuff when I begin selling products at the summer street fairs. I think this year will be the easiest of all to control my self, spending, and happiness.
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December 12th, 2008 at 04:26 pm
Well, the old man's work is hosting a Christmas party at the local bowling alley. How fun!
I have heard that there will be free drinks and door prizes. There is a 32" flat screen we have our eye on.
I am also hosting some of his favorite friends from work here at home. The original plan was to go to the bar afterwards, but I think we will have more fun here at my house.
I think there will be about six guests. That is an estimate. We will play Wii and have a few drinks here. I will watch who drinks beer and such at the party and stop by and pick something up for them here. I don't want to buy a case of beer and no one drink it. I think I am doing something smart. What do you think?
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November 2nd, 2008 at 07:42 pm
No more living above our means. I just ordered a part on the internet for my DS2BH's car. I can't believe things cost so much. So, as of right now, we are cutting back. Starting with Christmas, we are going to the roots of what we need. I am not going out for anything that we already have. There are school supplies in a small box table in the corner of the living room. We have meat and pantry items in the kitchen. There is nothing that we really need to have for the next three to six months. I am going to save like I have never saved before. I may spend about $8 on the Sunday paper, for the coupons. I am also thinking about having the boys make a piniata, so I will need the newspaper.
I have started a list on the side of the fridge that will have the items we NEED from the store. I have written down what we run out of, when we run out.
This way, there is no over spending at the store.
I can not imagine having a house payment, along with all the insurance a house has, along with other payments on our salaries now. I am trying to change that. I will be looking for another job soon. I want something that will make money quick. I don't want to start a career right now. I am still in school. I can start serious job hunting when I graduate.
I am trying to get us ready for the life ahead. Our children are growing up, and fast. I am looking forward to our lives together in the years to come. I don't want those years to be filled with worry about debt and money.
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October 24th, 2008 at 12:55 am
I so need to get a part time job.
I talked to a career person at my college today. She might have something that is right up my alley.
I only need to work about 20 hours a week. That should suffice for now. Obviously, when I finish school, I will get a good job where I work while my boys are in school. That gives me a year to get my stuff straight and work hard.
I do know that starting out right after school, I won't get a great job, but it doesn't take much to make me love a place. If I like what I am doing and the people I work with, it will be good to me.
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October 2nd, 2008 at 08:54 pm
Wish me luck on my very first mystery shop. I hope it goes well and that I make $15.00.
I still have to fork over $10.50 and wait for my money and reimbursment.
I am a little nervous and worried that someone will think I am being stupid when I ask the questions I am supposed to ask.
I will try my best to act normal.
They said that they want to know what I look like and what kind of clothes I am wearing during the shop.
Is that a little weird?
Here's to money earned. I do believe I will add that money to my challenge total when I receive it.
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September 20th, 2008 at 03:20 am
Okay, now when my younger cousin came over today to get out of her house, I expected her to keep me company while I did my house chores. I certainly did not expect her to do my dishes for me. I used that time to do laundry and picking up my living room. I told her that I would give her some gas money, as she did not have any gas. I also told her that I would buy her daughter's soccer team some Capri Sun drinks for their game this weekend.
When I tried to give her $10, she refused it. I did end up giving her two bucks and she was happy. She said that if I was going to pay her for doing my dishes, she would come over every week. I asked her if she vacuumed too. She said yes.
Would it be so bad if she made some much needed income? She doesn't have a job.
I need my house clean and I go to school full time and have a part time job.
I don't see who gets hurt here. I may get the house clean and not need to pay her anymore, and she will have to find money elsewhere, but for the time being, this is a win-win for everyone involved.
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August 19th, 2008 at 07:22 pm
I have given up on waiting in line to pick up my paycheck.
I am starting to go on Tuesdays to pick it up.
I found a nickel on the ground when I walked outside of the office.
I am glad I waited another day.
I am posting my findings in my $20 challenge!
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August 18th, 2008 at 03:58 pm
I have counted change and added up what I spent this week and weekend, going over it with S2BH.
Let's go with what is fresh in my mind and go back from there.
Yesterday, since we worked all day long, we got to eat for free and our boss paid for the food. Save $5.00
I did buy a Mt. Dew for $1.00
After work I used a B1G1 cap and got two more Mt. Dews for $1.48
Saturday I did buy my dinner at Kid Rock/Lynard Skynard and spent $5.00
Friday night, on my way to work, there was an accident on the interstate and the police made us turn around. I got gas at the next exit spending $25.54
Thursday, I didn't spend much money on anything, but I did buy a pop at school out of the machine for $1.25
Also, to save a thousand dollars or so, I spent $30.00 to test out of a class so I won't take it next quarter.
I hope I did alright.
Finding money on the ground is helping me fund my children's piggy banks. I am also about to spend money on fundraiser items from their school. I hope I can find two cheap things that we can use and I am not just throwing my money away for the school.
I will prepare for tomorrow by preparing today!
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August 18th, 2008 at 03:49 pm
12 hours at $8.00 per hour=$96.00
$2.25 in quarters found on the ground at work.
$.90 in dimes found on the ground at work.
$.25 in nickels found on the ground at work.
$.22 in pennies found on the ground at work.
If that wasn't enough...
$7.00 in cash found in the trash can at work.

I think I made out like a bandit yesterday.
$106.02 total money earned yesterday.
I say I earned that found money since I stood on my feet all day and did a great job!
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August 11th, 2008 at 04:46 pm
I have already paid $15 to one credit card, $30 to another card, and tried to set up paying off my cable bill, but the lady was uncoopertive so I will call back later today and see who I get on the other line.
Also, I will be focusing on my budget on Mondays. I have called the bank and checked out what checks have cleared and what has not.
I wrote a check for my son's tuition that is due every week. Lunch $ has been sent in. Drinks have been bought for the week.
I hadn't planned for a lot of money this month, so when I get my check in three or four weeks that has all these hours on it, I will be really happy.
I am working 7 days this week, going to school for four of those and getting the little ones off to school and being there for them when they get home for five. I guess money is needed and I can survive.
If I don't post for more than two weeks, then it did kill me.
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