Home > I found a penny!

I found a penny!

August 26th, 2009 at 08:14 pm

Actually, I found three. Two in front of the CVS doors, one by the gas pump, next to a used Mentos that I did not take and one dime at work on the sidewalk.
All and all it was a good night. I only worked five hours, but it's better than nothing.

5 Responses to “I found a penny!”

  1. baselle Says:

    Good not to take the dead Mentos. Some days I don't find any change, and I find mostly pennies, but all in all I'm finding change at a faster clip than I thought.

  2. Joan.of.the.Arch Says:

    I passed up a nearly full package of Mentos on the grass next to the sidewalk last week. I didn't pick it up! You can have it, ha-ha! Smile Good luck in that coin finding.

  3. Aleta Says:

    Congratulations. As my father used to say, "pennies make dollars". It's fun finding money even if its a penny. I wish now that I would have kept all found money in a jar and sent it into the bank at increnental times.

  4. Janie Out of Debt Says:

    I love finding change too! Sometimes I think I find more change on the ground than I make in my bank account in a day.

    Best wishes,


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