Home > Saving at the company Christmas party

Saving at the company Christmas party

December 12th, 2008 at 04:26 pm

Well, the old man's work is hosting a Christmas party at the local bowling alley. How fun!
I have heard that there will be free drinks and door prizes. There is a 32" flat screen we have our eye on.

I am also hosting some of his favorite friends from work here at home. The original plan was to go to the bar afterwards, but I think we will have more fun here at my house.

I think there will be about six guests. That is an estimate. We will play Wii and have a few drinks here. I will watch who drinks beer and such at the party and stop by and pick something up for them here. I don't want to buy a case of beer and no one drink it. I think I am doing something smart. What do you think?

3 Responses to “Saving at the company Christmas party”

  1. North Georgia Gal Says:

    That is a good idea! That way you know what everyone is drinking and don't end up with a lot of stuff no one wants!

  2. frugaltexan75 Says:

    A Christmas party at a bowling alley sounds like a lot of fun! Your idea of an after party at your house with the Wii, etc sounds pretty good too.

    My company's party is tomorrow night - at a country club - semi-formal dress. It's always a blast - but I think a bowling party sounds even better! Smile

  3. thriftorama Says:

    I wish my company parties were at bowling alleys! When I open my tiki bar, I'm going to steal that idea.

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