Home > Well, I did it

Well, I did it

August 1st, 2011 at 11:45 pm

I quit my job. I was trying to stick it out until I got one year in, but I just couldn't. I quit on principal. I was working for an accountant who did more than fudge the numbers. When it came to lying to the government and doing EXACTLY what they say NOT to do, he was lying about them not doing it, when in fact, they were.
I have issues with writing payroll checks for two thousand dollars when the foster children they work FOR aren't getting their benefits.
I hope you aren't upset with me, quitting in this day and age. Funny, we always call the current strange thing "this" day and age. It was one hundred years ago, and today.
My fiance is in a stable job he's had for over three years and I do have my security job I've worked at since 2006.
I'm not jobless, just Mon-Fri while kids were in school, don't want a guilty conscience, accounting job.
I don't know why I worked there, I have no degree in that field, no experience, but I am good in an office and that showed.
I know that he is upset I am leaving, but that's because he won't find anyone willing to do this type of thing either.
I feel better about it, so that's life. It goes on, and we push through.

7 Responses to “Well, I did it”

  1. baselle Says:

    I'm not upset with you; I'm proud of you. It takes a lot of courage in this day and age (or any day and age) to stand up for what you believe in. Situations like this are the reason you have an emergency fund.

    Good luck on your next gig!

  2. MonkeyMama Says:

    Oh - he will find plenty of people willing to fudge. I wouldn't worry about that.

    I absolutely would quit in your shoes. Good Luck!

  3. creditcardfree Says:

    Good job doing the right thing. I'm sure it was hard, but you absolutely made the right choice. I hope you find a job soon!!

  4. snafu Says:

    Cheating foster children is disgusting. No one is required to do something unethical or illegal to keep employment. File for benefits as you have 'just cause' for leaving. Someone should be willing to be a whistle blower for the kids, somethings need to be exposed.

  5. LuckyRobin Says:

    I don't blame you one bit. I quit an office job in my early twenties after a short time because they wanted me to lie to clients. It was a fantastic job otherwise (for a helicopter repair company and sometimes they'd grab an employee to go up for a test ride), although I didn't like the fact that I was the only female employee, either. I had an upset stomach almost the entire time I worked for them. They treated me well, don't get me wrong, but it morally it did not match up with my ideals so I quit.

  6. PatientSaver Says:

    I have issues with writing payroll checks for two thousand dollars when the foster children they work FOR aren't getting their benefits.

    If this is happening, you need to report him to your state's board of public accountancy. Silence is complicity.

  7. Jerry Says:

    You absolutely did the right thing, and it may not lead to an easy few months until something else comes along, but at least you will be able to look yourself in the mirror every morning. Additionally, I agree that a quick call to the authorities is in order. You can ask for some insurance of anonymity and save those foster kids at the same time. Good luck!

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