Home > Home business blues

Home business blues

April 16th, 2009 at 01:27 pm

Starting a new job can be hard. I didn't know that starting a new business would be this hard. I knew it would be hard, and cost money, but not this much.

I have put all my faith into myself to do this and do it well. I just hope that all of my hard work pays off and that I am back in the black again soon.

I guess that you get out of it what you put into it. Since I am putting my all into it, I should have a healthy reward. I also plan on having this business build my credit up enough to buy a house in less than three years. I have one picked out, but if push comes to shove, I have one built on some remote piece of land down south.

Any ideas on what I could do to further my business? I will take all sorts of advice, even if it isn't the best.

I am going to sell my heart out at the Spring Fling tomorrow night, with the help of my best friend. Also, when my Mom gets back in the country, she can help me with networking a home party for her friends. She is so good at getting people with money to come to a party, drink some, and spend whatever they want.
I went to a Mary Kay party that she had for a customer she served in a bar. Why did she help her so much? She liked her shoes. I have to admit, they were awesome shoes, but really, that is where I get my salesmanship prowess from, her.

I think I am stressing to much over this, but I am because I have spent a lot of money on this deal. Money that I didn't really have to begin with. But, if this goes well, guess who will be paying debt down faster than Dave R. can say "snowball".

Anyone who owns their own business that can give me some pointers about getting over the beginning sticker shock of prices and how to maximize my minimal advertising?

3 Responses to “Home business blues”

  1. Personal Finance Student Says:

    What's the business? That might help us give suggestions/ideas.

  2. Carol Says:

    Let us know what your business is selling, and people will probably be able to give you good pointers.

  3. HelpMeFriend Says:

    I am trying to sell some gifts for those who you can never find a gift for. I have everything from Spa sets, candles that are for decorating as well as relaxing, and the like. I buy from a warehouse and ship them to people. I would like to start the home party side of this business, but so far, there are no takers. The problem is that all of my friends and family are as broke as I am. That is where I should have started selling. When my friends tell their friends, that's how I would get around.

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