Home > Working is good!

Working is good!

August 31st, 2009 at 05:34 am

Well, working the last two nights instead of three took some hours, but I did pocket some change off the ground last night, so I think I made out.
I forgot I got a raise and have earned an extra $.50 an hour more. Tonight I earned $48.88 before taxes. Last night I made the same so I get $97.76! Woo Hoo
Also, I picked up so much change off the ground that I couldn't fit it all into my change purse. COOL
I am sort of nervous about my call tomorrow on the Dave Ramsey show. Should I be getting a lot of info ready to go in case he asks me? How do I keep from babbling or sounding foolish? You know what is really foolish? I am holding on to two of those $1 a day movies and I haven't even watched one. I will do it tomorrow and take them back. That goes on my to do list. As well as getting my check, taking it to the bank, and paying on the light and gas bills! Go me, pay the bills, it's your birthday!

3 Responses to “Working is good!”

  1. whitestripe Says:

    wow, i missed the post about dave ramsay. good luck!

  2. Janie Out of Debt Says:

    That is wonderful about your raise. Congrats.

    Best wishes,


  3. SicilyYoder Says:

    Just be quick and to the point. I have called in to the show twice and he really helped me- has been awhile back.

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