Home > Today at work...

Today at work...

March 22nd, 2011 at 08:28 pm

I offered to take some tax papers to the bank and have them notarized for free, as I am a customer.
My boss stated that I could take them home and bring them back.
I had no intention of using my personal car, on my own personal time.
I advised him that the bank wasn't far and that I could run it then and there, have it back and we could send it today.
He looked at me like I picked my nose.
Didn't I offer to use my car, use my service, and have it all free for him? Why would I not get paid for working for him?
Needless to say, I left and was back in 30 minutes. I'm a hero, but I didn't think it was such a hard decision.
I will think twice before offering my car next time.

2 Responses to “Today at work...”

  1. crazyliblady Says:

    If he expects you to do things like this, he should not only be paying you for your time, but also paying you mileage.

  2. North Georgia Gal Says:

    I should be getting mileage for the errands you run for the company.

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