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If it helps, then it can't be that bad

September 20th, 2008 at 02:20 am

Okay, now when my younger cousin came over today to get out of her house, I expected her to keep me company while I did my house chores. I certainly did not expect her to do my dishes for me. I used that time to do laundry and picking up my living room. I told her that I would give her some gas money, as she did not have any gas. I also told her that I would buy her daughter's soccer team some Capri Sun drinks for their game this weekend.
When I tried to give her $10, she refused it. I did end up giving her two bucks and she was happy. She said that if I was going to pay her for doing my dishes, she would come over every week. I asked her if she vacuumed too. She said yes.
Would it be so bad if she made some much needed income? She doesn't have a job.
I need my house clean and I go to school full time and have a part time job.
I don't see who gets hurt here. I may get the house clean and not need to pay her anymore, and she will have to find money elsewhere, but for the time being, this is a win-win for everyone involved.

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