Viewing the 'Spending Again' Category
November 11th, 2008 at 02:04 am
I cleared my savings to pay off credit card debt.
I had it for so long too.
I saved it for almost two months. It was exactly two months, if you want to say it doesn't clear until tomorrow.
I will take this lesson, with all it hurt me, and learn from it.
Never again will I run up a bill and not pay it in full. I won't fall for the catalogues promises of cheap costs.
I won't buy if I don't have the cash.
I also can't let myself fall for a scam again. I am in some trouble over a $5,000 internet scam.
How foolish!
At least I've learned my lesson, and I am growing up.
And my mom said that it would never happen.
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Spending Again,
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Darling Dears,
Money Management
October 31st, 2008 at 06:36 pm
Yeah! Christmas is coming.
I love it. I want to sing right now.
I really can't wait to take down Halloween decorations and put up a tree. Buy the way, HAPPY HALLOWEEN 2008.
I can't believe another year has flown by. When you are little, the time passes slowly. I can't believe that Christmas is here and my children are so big.
I am going shopping with my mom to an outlet mall about 35 miles south of here. We are going to the Levi's store to find jeans for my little ones. They aren't so little anymore.
I also have to find a present for my man. I have no idea what he would want.
Tick Tock. Tick Tock.
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Spending Again,
Darling Dears,
Money Management
October 24th, 2008 at 01:03 am
I haven't been adding my found money to my challenge. I am sorry.
I found two nickles at the Walmart after spending $195.
I found 16 cents in the washer yesterday.
I found $4 in a pair of my jeans after washing them today.
I wish I was thinking about it more when I find it. I really just stick it into my piggy bank at the end of the night, and that is when it hits me that I should post it.
Oh well.
I'm already on my way to bed now.
I'll do it tomorrow.
Find more money, post them both.
Here are three finds that are behind the times.
I did have to pull $200 out of my savings account today for a radiator for the work mule's car. I feel sorry for my DS2BH. He is working so hard, taking care of the three of us. Our boys are growing, so they are eating more. Gas went down, but that doesn't matter when it still guzzles it down.
I know it sucks to work all week and have nothing to show for it.
He wants to go in with his dad on a gun, but it won't be here, he won't use it, and it will set us back $150.
I guess he will sacrifice his new truck for it. I told him that if I could buy a new washer and dryer, I would buy him a truck. I bought the parts instead.
I hate to play the your money my money game anyway.
I have worked hard to get him to stop that anyway.
It wouldn't be fair if I started it now.
Besides, after this week, there is no more surplus money. The last of my land sale money is gone. I have paid off on credit cards, bought Christmas presents for all, and paid back my Grandma.
That was a large load off my chest.
I still owe credit cards, we will still buy more presents, and I still owe Granny, but life isn't as bad as it was.

Treasure your relationships, not your possessions.
— Anthony J. D'Angelo
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Spending Again,
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Darling Dears,
Kitchen Overhaul (Body and Mind),
Growing my Savings,
Money Management,
Weighty Subjects
October 22nd, 2008 at 05:35 am
If you haven't seen, my October grocery budget has been spent. ALL OF IT!
$365 has been spent in the first three weeks.
I was trying to cut down, since I will be spending more during the holidays, but that didn't seem to make a difference. I hope that I have more self control next month, since that is what I was bracing myself for.
I did buy a ton of freezer food though. I won't have to buy dinners for another two weeks at least.
I will have a list the next time I go to the store, and I will stick to it.
I had a list last time, and still spent 45% of my budget on my last trip.
I hate Wal-Mart!
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Hints and Tips Wanted,
Spending Again
October 21st, 2008 at 12:37 am
I finally caved in and paid for my credit reports and score.
It was only $14.95 and I will use it.
Equifax TransUnion Experian
Total Balance $6,889 $7,404 $7,908
These are the total balances for my three reports that it says I owe to my 6, 8, and 6 different accounts.
I believe that I will wait out this financial drought for at least five years before I try any serious credit moves from now on.
I didn't know my debt was this high.
I knew that some of my accounts were charged off, but this is outrageous.
I will enter the average of these numbers into my NetWorthIQ page on my sidebar.
I have been spending money again. I went to the store and shopped for things that I didn't need.
I thought I had stopped this foolish behavior. I had frozen my spending except for essentials for the home. I had to buy toilet paper and toothpaste. Shampoo and conditioner seemed to be used faster and faster.
Why now, am I blowing without remorse?
I do feel remorse. I DO! But I can't let my little relapse defer me from my goals!
I think when I laid down $313 for a washer and dryer, I could afford a couple more bucks.
That way of thinking has got to go. I have to get to work on my credit card debt.
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Weighty Subjects
October 15th, 2008 at 02:47 pm
I bought a washer and dryer set.
I went to a scratch and dent store, which was cool, and found a set for $325. Since I paid cash and was delivering it myself, I saved 10%. That took the bill down.
Overall, I am happy about my purchase. I did trash the old set, which made DS2BH mad a little. He wanted to fix them. I didn't want them sitting in my yard for months, covered in snow, wasting my space and making it look even more hillbilly than it does already.
I will be saving money on my water bill. I will definitely save on my electric bill, since the old dryer took a minimum of three runs through and this dryer only takes one turn. Sorta like it's supposed to.
They are energy savers, money savers, and my time savers.
I won out, even though I have to buy a work truck for my DS2BH. He really needs one too.
So, count $313 paid for my sanity and pleasure. Whatever pleasure I get from doing laundry is my own, and you can't take it from me now.
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Darling Dears,
Kitchen Overhaul (Body and Mind),
Money Management
October 10th, 2008 at 07:58 pm
I spent $20 on help for cleaning my house. That is sad. I can't believe that I am so lazy that I needed help. My two young un's are trying to help, but that doesn't mean that they are not leaving clutter about too.
I think that I will bust butt tomorrow when I am by myself, but I have to do laundry and I can't since my washer is broken. I used my cousin's today, but that was only two loads. That's hardly any clothes or lessening my piles.
I have to get a washer and dryer. My dryer takes a minimum of three times to dry one load. That is even with an extra spin on them.
I will take S2BH to Lowe's for his work and check the scratch and dent section while we are there.
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Hints and Tips Wanted,
Spending Again,
Darling Dears,
Money Management
October 6th, 2008 at 06:59 pm
I tried to not spend any money today.
I took a banana and crackers for a snack at school. I ate them between classes and was satisfied, until I got home. After picking the kids up at the babysitters, and she said that they already ate lunch, I was hungry. I tried to come home and eat a bowl of cereal. I just couldn't do it.
I drove to Subway. I don't like their $5 foot longs, I want what I want.
I spent $6 for my sandwich and cookies.
I walked outside, found a quarter on the ground, and decided that I had to come here, to find the money on the ground.
$112.40 Balance for $20 Challenge
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$20 Challenge,
Spending Again,
School Days,
Kitchen Overhaul (Body and Mind),
Money Management
October 4th, 2008 at 11:09 pm
Last night was awesome, very fun. I can't do anything like that for a long while. Today, I had my very first hangover.
What an experience. The kids were good, that that was nice, but everything else sucked.
I still would have done it. I am glad we had a great time.
We got to the bar and I put money into the dart board machine. It told me that I had 16 credits. I only paid for four. That means someone had left $3 in there before we started. Thanks for the free games! There was no one around any of the dart boards when we got there or after. The pool tables were packed though. The price for that went up to a buck each game.
All in all, we had a great time and made it home before 12 am. I still went to my cousin's house after the boys were asleep. DS2BH had to work this morning, so they all went to bed and I went next door. That is where I got super slammed and had such a wonderful feeling this morning.
I will post how much money I am saving on liquor for the month. I may even wait longer, maybe only drinking at a holiday party or two.
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Spending Again,
Loving my budget,
Darling Dears,
Money Management,
Joke it up
October 3rd, 2008 at 02:52 pm
Tonight is date night. I started to realize that we are still young, both below the age of 30, and that we are turning into an "old couple". I've been watching the marathon of "Married with Children" on TV, thinking to myself that we are them. They don't want to be with each other. I can't let us turn into Al and Peggy. So, we are going out!!
I have pulled money out of my debit card, so that I don't carry it with us, and plan to spend no more than $40 all night. I did take an extra $20 for a cab, just in case. But DS2BH has to work in the morning, so that means he won't be drinking as much as I.
I am also going on a "double date" with my cousin and a guy from DS2BH's work.
She is so excited. She has already tried out a couple of outfits and painted her nails and toes. I am excited too. I was supposed to take him out for his birthday, but he was so tired, he used the babysitter as a sleeping time with no interruptions.
So, I hope that my night of pool, darts, and a live band will satisfy my urge to go out for a while. I don't see going out again before the holidays. That doesn't include the parties for Halloween either. I guess I don't have to wait that long huh?
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Spending Again,
Darling Dears,
Money Management
October 1st, 2008 at 07:49 pm
I called and cancelled my fitness thing in time and they said they could give me a full refund.
I also have been doing my extra payments on two credit cards.
Today I called and asked for some help on one, she gave me a deal.
"If you pay $29.00 today, I can put a credit for an over-the-limit-fee of $29.00."
"So it would count as a $58.00 payment?"
"Yes, but I have to add the $7.95 pay-over-the-phone fee."
Well, some help is better than none I guess.
I also mailed off an extra $10 to my other credit card.
By January, I should be all caught up.
I need to pay off:$312.49 on one and $502.83 on another by January 09.
I am also saving up for rent, school fees, and the like. I hope I can do it. If I would quit spending like a fool, I probably could.
I believe I will count that $29.00 she credited me to my $20 Challenge balance. That will raise it up a bit.
$83.15 Previous Challenge total
+$29.00 Add this money I "found"
$112.15 New total for Challenge since June 08
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Growing my Savings,
Money Management
September 29th, 2008 at 08:18 pm
My first day of school was awesome.
I did hurt myself though. I was trying to get into my car in a parking lot where spots are small and cars are big. I ripped my earring out of my ear and lost it.
It was actually quite painful.
But besides that, I have two classes on campus and one online. My professors are both fun and talkative, which I am too.
I feel that I will have a ton of fun this quarter.
I have been stupid with my money.
I spent $158 to a stupid fitness thing online. I didn't have to spend that much to get the info that I could have gotten for free. Hell, that could have paid for a year at a gym.
Boy I feel dumb!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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Weighty Subjects
September 27th, 2008 at 03:47 am
I have bought my chest freezer that I began saving for so long ago.
It was under $120.00 total with tax and all. It was also a 5.0 CuFt freezer. The 3.5 cu ft units were on sale for $138.00 after $10 mail in rebate.
I went to the scratch and dent section and found one with some dirt on the front.
I came home and my magic eraser cleared that right up. Brand spanking new!
I love it. I will fill it up tomorrow.
Posted in
Spending Again,
Kitchen Overhaul (Body and Mind)
September 24th, 2008 at 09:09 pm
I bought an exercise machine. I spent $200 on it and my supped up pedometer. I have set a goal to use it 4 out of 7 days a week. How many times do you think I used it? Twice. Once when I built it to make sure it worked, and IT DID, and once to show my cousin how cool it was. She wanted one. I told her to use mine. Maybe then it would have been worth it.
She laughed.
I didn't.
I will use it tonight after folding laundry. I promise. I will even put my results on my weight loss page.
That will insure that I do it. I can't log on here until I do.
What motivation!
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Credit Abuser,
Spending Again,
Weighty Subjects
September 24th, 2008 at 03:46 pm
Well, I haven't found any money on our daily walks, but I can tell it is helping me with my energy for the day.
I bought Christmas yesterday. I walked into Target to buy some $1 nail polish remover and spent nearly $300.00
I did buy some furniture that I will give myself, along with 75% off clearance clothing for my boys and my BFF's daughter.
I feel good about the money I spent, even if it was a little much.
I just don't have to buy much when the season comes around.
Halloween costumes are next on my list.
Posted in
Spending Again,
Darling Dears,
Money Management,
Weighty Subjects
September 16th, 2008 at 01:01 am
My computer has a virus. I bought a new one. It was $399 but total for all I walked out of the store with was $569+$69.
He forgot to add my service plan on there so I had to pay again.
I paid off my son's tuition so me and the secretary who writes the receipts is happy.
I also will have to get gas in my vehicle, so that will be a major purchase too.
I have paid enough on my credit card and I am happy to have gotten extra money on there. I am also looking forward to my credit clearing up in 10 years. THANKS FIRST PREMIER BANK! [sarcasm intended] I was yelling it.
Check out the amount of interest on my monies at smarty pig.com. I am very happy!
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Spending Again,
Money Management
September 3rd, 2008 at 04:00 pm
I am so excited that Friday is almost here. Wednesday has gotten it's own page. I am trying to track all of my spending on the Money in the bank page. This will make it easier for me to own up to my spending.
I am so excited that my cousin is moving in next door to me today. She signs the lease at 2:00pm
I have recently received my schedule for next quarter here at school. I am not looking forward to my fall classes. Accounting and Records Management&Security.
My computer class will be a breeze, but I don't know who the instructor will be.
I should be typing my Psychology research paper right now, but I am just so hyped about Friday and my lump sum of money.
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Loving my budget,
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Growing my Savings,
Money Management
August 19th, 2008 at 03:27 pm
I spent $37.51 at the gas station.
I spent another $8.11 on cigarettes.
I drank free booze, but am out of Mt. Dew and Kool-Aid
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Hints and Tips Wanted,
Spending Again
August 19th, 2008 at 03:24 pm
Tuesday is a special day where I get to spend money.
I will go to the store and buy groceries, buy some more gas for my car, get plenty of paper products that we are out of, and much more.
If I play my cards right, I should spend about $100 and have enough food for the rest of the month.
I have hamburger, porkchops, and steak in the freezer. I only need side items and staples.
Mt. Dew
Paper plates
and the like.
I will use as many coupons as I can, buy sale items only if I need them, not only because they're on sale.
I also have to buy some extra party supplies as we are planning a suprise birthday party for my best friend's little bro. He will be 21.
Guess what I'm buying?
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Spending Again,
Loving my budget,
Money Management
July 23rd, 2008 at 03:17 pm
After three months of slow work, things are finally starting to pick up. I will be working Thursday, Friday, and Saturday. Last week I was to work Friday and Sunday, but after half an hour on Sunday, they asked me if I wanted to go home. I said no, then they told me to clock out and go see the show.
I understand that they were trying to be nice, knowing I wanted to see the show, but I would have rather been paid to see it, than to sit down and see it. I got bored and left early, but only after I stayed for an extra two hours off the clock. I should have watched Brooks and Dunn for free, but I figured that my children need me more and I am not making anything sitting in the grass.
The county fair is going on and tonight is the only night I can go. Should I?
The food is the real reason I want to go, but I am willing to buy tickets for the boys to enjoy some rides. I just have to keep DH away from the carny games that are rip offs. The food will be super expensive too. But, since we will not be going to the State fair, unless my Mom takes them, this will be their only chance this year.
I hope DH is in a good mood when he gets home. I have to get a couch out of the living room for my Momma's yard sale this weekend. I can't forget that on Friday she wants me to stop by in case she has to use the bathroom. I hope she doesn't drink a lot of water.
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Darling Dears
May 3rd, 2008 at 10:09 pm
I looked up prices in a city guide for the race tickets.
For the cheap seats, it's $70-$95 per ticket.
I received two.
For parking, it is anywhere from $5-$25, so that is awesome too. Since I pick up my tickets at the parking lot, it works out. I am sure they planned it that way.
I haven't bought my freezer, but I am buying a bed with my rebate check. I can't see buying a freezer if we will just keep junk in it. Of course, I will stock up on some meat, but I am not a bake a months worth of food in one night.
I have two cassaroles in the freezer now, but they didn't want to eat the first one, so I am saving it for Dad when I am working at night and he wants to have food in a hurry.
Next Thursday is my birthday. Yeah. My mom is planning something awesome for me and my best friend and I are going out for lunch and then to mani-pedis. She knows how much I love them, but that I am saving money and not pampering myself in ways that cost. I do things at home, for less, and she is treating me for my b-day.
I also know my mom is going to blow me away with her gift.
She told me she wanted to take me to the gambling boat, but said that I would rather have the money than blow it. I said that was true.
Then she said that she was going to lay down about $1000 for a bed for me. WOW!!!
But, since I said that I was buying one with my rebate check, she said there went that.
So my gift is going to blow my socks off, I am sure.
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$20 Challenge,
Spending Again,
Loving my budget,
Darling Dears
March 19th, 2008 at 04:50 pm
I haven't posted for a day or two as I am busy finishing up school work. Finals are next week so all of my big projects are due this week.
I am looking forward to spring break now.
I don't have any money to speak of, as I got my paycheck on Monday, and it is down to $15 today, Wednesday.
I must put money away for a trip this summer, but I don't know where it will come from.
I also am taking a road trip Friday with family, and I have no money but gas money right now.
If I spend it all in gas, what will I eat? Will I have the money to buy necessities?
I hope that I can make my money stretch.
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School Days
March 17th, 2008 at 12:53 am
At my job, I mostly stand. I stand in front of doors that someone is not allowed to enter, I stand at the elevator making sure that no one with out a ticket can use it. I stand all the time. My feet hurt. I was told a long time ago to take care of my feet, as they will last me my whole life. If I don't want them to hurt, I need to take care of them.
Well, my $30 shoes are wearing out, causing my feet pain. If I were to buy new shoes, they would hurt again, as they would be new and have to be broken in.
What's a girl to do. I could not work as much, but that isn't an option.
I could ask my mom to buy me some shoes, but she is already helping me pay for my children to join little league for the first time this year. I guess I could just deal with it, but this summer, I will be doing some more hard core working, causing me to walk a mile or more a night, and standing, standing, standing.
I can't wait till then. I will definately have new shoes by then.
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Spending Again
March 15th, 2008 at 10:13 pm
I never went to a store, but I did pay my rent today. I also bought $15 worth of gas and got 4.20 gallons. It was aprox. $3.69 a gallon.
I am taking my no spend day today. We didn't go to a store, I didn't buy Sunday liquor, since we can't buy any here on Sunday. We never went to a store so I didn't spend any unnessassary money.
So, can I count my two dollars for myself?
I will anyway. I also saved money by going to my neighbors today for some fun. We didn't need to go out and spend money to have fun. I want to have a campfire tonight. I hope I can find some wood.
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Loving my budget
March 14th, 2008 at 12:04 am
I fell victim to the "I'm lazies"!
We had two parent teachers conferences tonight, got out sorta late, and I ordered food in. I didn't want to, but I also didn't want to cook. My kitchen hates me. I know I need to get over this. It is killing my budjet.
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Spending Again,
Checkbook Hell!,
Kitchen Overhaul (Body and Mind)
March 11th, 2008 at 02:16 am
Reading some money saving tips, I found some ways to cut corners in my budget. I can cut down on the "unnecessary trips" in my car to save gas. I will limit my alcohol consumption, even though I did save money staying home instead of going out. Cigarettes poses a bigger problem though.
I have signed my kids up for baseball this week, so in the coming months I will be spending time there rather than spending money somewhere else. I also live about 1/2 a block from the diamonds so we will pack lunch and drinks to drag there. Concession stand prices are crazy.
I know I have told myself this before, but we really HAVE TO QUIT EATING TAKEOUT!
Since I have a big grocery budget, I need to use it a little more wisely. I also can make all the foods we like to eat out at home. Us parents just need to quit being lazy. I am more guilty of it, as Daddy works early to late Monday through Friday. He should be tired. He gets up over an hour before we do.
I subscribed to recipe site that sends me weeks worth of food, the shopping list and all, but I have yet to implement it into our daily lives.
When I save up enough for my chest freezer, I know that I will use the cook and freeze a week method more. Right now my little freezer is full of crap.
I buy the healthy foods for us, and they go to waste. I think that is why I don't cook as much. Fast food tastes better. I love a homemade hamburger better, but my children are used to the flat, tasteless patty.
I also want to grill out at least twice a week this summer. That will be entertaining, and good for us. Outside in the sun, running and laughing; I can't wait.
If anyone has any suggestions on how I can make myself STOP the fast food route, PLEASE let me know. I tried doing it, complaining when Daddy brought it home, but I ate it and was glad he did. I would love to get out of that trap. Telling myself how much more money it costs isn't helping.
Also, I need to do the freeze it meals because I work nights and weekends, and DH works days. If I want both of us to quit buying, I need to have it ready for him to thaw or nuke and serve.
Veggies and Fruit are our least favorite. I want to add more of that into my children's diet. Grown ups too. So maybe I can buy a chocolate dip for them to have. Marshmallow sounds good too.
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Kitchen Overhaul (Body and Mind)
March 9th, 2008 at 05:33 pm
I was told that he was just going to do a simple oil change on my car. Now I am paying for two more parts for over $40 a piece. I wanted to pay rent. If my car breaks down and I can't work, I can't pay rent. I see his reasoning, but really, so close to the due date? I can't win.
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Checkbook Hell!,
Darling Dears
March 8th, 2008 at 03:57 am
Can I do it? I think the cold weather will keep me in for the next two days. I can always send the Man of the House out to get milk, bread, and any chocolate I may need. I don't mind spending money on such items, as they are needed. If I went to the corner store, I could come back with three or four bags of stuff and forget the milk I went after.
That is why I am about to cut up my debit card.
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Spending Again
March 3rd, 2008 at 05:46 pm
I paid down a credit card, so I want to spend.
I was thinking about getting my hair done at the beauty college tonight, before work.
Would going to a school for a discounted doo be saving money? NO, I could go without the hair dye and be fine, but not happy.
Does everything I do need money? YES, but I don't need everything.
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Credit Abuser,
Spending Again
March 3rd, 2008 at 04:23 pm
The unlimited pass at Mike's is a great deal. I got a works wash for free today, and I will be going at least every other day.
I will be monitoring how much I have saved, and will be adding that to the $20 challenge. Since I start with a withdrawl from my credit card, it won't seem like a savings, but it really is.
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Spending Again