Home > Got it, finally

Got it, finally

September 27th, 2008 at 02:47 am

I have bought my chest freezer that I began saving for so long ago.

It was under $120.00 total with tax and all. It was also a 5.0 CuFt freezer. The 3.5 cu ft units were on sale for $138.00 after $10 mail in rebate.

I went to the scratch and dent section and found one with some dirt on the front.
I came home and my magic eraser cleared that right up. Brand spanking new!
I love it. I will fill it up tomorrow.

4 Responses to “Got it, finally”

  1. JanH Says:

    Congrats on your new freezer! It will sure help with the holidays.

  2. creditcardfree Says:

    Great job on setting a goal and meeting it. You even found a great deal!! Congrats.

  3. Personal Finance Student Says:

    Congrats on a great deal! I'd love a chest freezer; maybe one day when I have a house.... Smile

  4. dmontngrey Says:

    Wonderful!! Dirt should never scare anyone away...
    I too would like one when I have a house and a garage. Someday.

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