Home > Budget Overhaul

Budget Overhaul

March 11th, 2008 at 02:16 am

Reading some money saving tips, I found some ways to cut corners in my budget. I can cut down on the "unnecessary trips" in my car to save gas. I will limit my alcohol consumption, even though I did save money staying home instead of going out. Cigarettes poses a bigger problem though.
I have signed my kids up for baseball this week, so in the coming months I will be spending time there rather than spending money somewhere else. I also live about 1/2 a block from the diamonds so we will pack lunch and drinks to drag there. Concession stand prices are crazy.
I know I have told myself this before, but we really HAVE TO QUIT EATING TAKEOUT!
Since I have a big grocery budget, I need to use it a little more wisely. I also can make all the foods we like to eat out at home. Us parents just need to quit being lazy. I am more guilty of it, as Daddy works early to late Monday through Friday. He should be tired. He gets up over an hour before we do.
I subscribed to recipe site that sends me weeks worth of food, the shopping list and all, but I have yet to implement it into our daily lives.
When I save up enough for my chest freezer, I know that I will use the cook and freeze a week method more. Right now my little freezer is full of crap.
I buy the healthy foods for us, and they go to waste. I think that is why I don't cook as much. Fast food tastes better. I love a homemade hamburger better, but my children are used to the flat, tasteless patty.
I also want to grill out at least twice a week this summer. That will be entertaining, and good for us. Outside in the sun, running and laughing; I can't wait.
If anyone has any suggestions on how I can make myself STOP the fast food route, PLEASE let me know. I tried doing it, complaining when Daddy brought it home, but I ate it and was glad he did. I would love to get out of that trap. Telling myself how much more money it costs isn't helping.
Also, I need to do the freeze it meals because I work nights and weekends, and DH works days. If I want both of us to quit buying, I need to have it ready for him to thaw or nuke and serve.

Veggies and Fruit are our least favorite. I want to add more of that into my children's diet. Grown ups too. So maybe I can buy a chocolate dip for them to have. Marshmallow sounds good too.

2 Responses to “Budget Overhaul”

  1. reflectionite Says:

    my boyfriend and i used to eat quite a lot of thai and mexican takeaway. we are not really that fond of actual fast food, but i thought i would share my tips with you anyway. the main things we would buy when we got takeaway were the curries and pad thai, so i started buying bulk lots of the curry paste and coconut milk in the supermarket. i bought a rice cooker, and now our favourite and easiest meals to cook at home are the ones we used to pay up to $15 each for. also like you mentioned we started using the barbecue a lot more. my favourite is tandoori marinated chicken burgers. i would just chop up a whole heap of salad ingredients for the burgers, marinate sliced chicken breast in tandoori paste for half an hour and then barbecue them. it is especially nice if you melt the cheese on the bun first!
    my other tip is when you make a meal like spaghetti bolognese or a curry and rice dish, make double the amount and either pack it away for the next night, or freeze it. i know you said your freezer was full of crap but i can usually find space in there somewhere!

    anyway, sorry i rambled a bit but i hope i helped.

  2. ceejay74 Says:

    A TINY bit of sugar on cut-up fruit might make it more palatable to kids & adults alike, and still be mostly healthy.

    Don't be too hard on yourself if you stumble in the food area; I only succeed because my husband puts in even more effort than I do. But try and figure out some quick, healthy meals the whole family will like. Make big vats of it and keep in the fridge if you don't have room in the freezer; just make sure you eat it within a few days.

    I totally sympathize that fast food seems to taste better, but that's just because it's so loaded with sodium (and flavor-enhancing chemicals made in a factory--read Fast Food Nation!) that most home-cooked foods seem bland by comparison. Trust me, once you've cut out fast food for a month or more, your taste buds start coming back. I still crave fast food about once a month, but when I get it I'm always glad I don't eat it more often; my tongue just feels coated with gunk.

    Another tip, this one from a British health-food TV show: Don't let your kids pick what they want to eat if they only know junk food. Get them to try more and more real food and they will start preferring it. A lot of people feed their kids hot dogs and mac-n-cheese and chicken nuggets, and then say "my kids only want to eat these things." Well, that's because that's what they've been fed in the past. And fast food is made to seem like a special treat by TV. You have to combat that image somehow.

    Well, that's what I've heard anyhow. I haven't actually had any kids myself yet, so it's easy enough for me to throw advice around! LOL.

    Anyway, good luck and keep us posted. I know it's helped me to keep blogging about my grocery budget because it keeps me working on improving.

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