Home > Grocery Money Spent

Grocery Money Spent

October 22nd, 2008 at 04:35 am

If you haven't seen, my October grocery budget has been spent. ALL OF IT!
$365 has been spent in the first three weeks.
I was trying to cut down, since I will be spending more during the holidays, but that didn't seem to make a difference. I hope that I have more self control next month, since that is what I was bracing myself for.
I did buy a ton of freezer food though. I won't have to buy dinners for another two weeks at least.

I will have a list the next time I go to the store, and I will stick to it.
I had a list last time, and still spent 45% of my budget on my last trip.
I hate Wal-Mart!

1 Responses to “Grocery Money Spent”

  1. James Says:

    You have to love wal-mart no matter how much you may hate parts of it. It is just a great place for cheap things. It all adds up doesn't it!

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