Home > Busy with life

Busy with life

March 19th, 2008 at 04:50 pm

I haven't posted for a day or two as I am busy finishing up school work. Finals are next week so all of my big projects are due this week.
I am looking forward to spring break now.
I don't have any money to speak of, as I got my paycheck on Monday, and it is down to $15 today, Wednesday.
I must put money away for a trip this summer, but I don't know where it will come from.
I also am taking a road trip Friday with family, and I have no money but gas money right now.
If I spend it all in gas, what will I eat? Will I have the money to buy necessities?
I hope that I can make my money stretch.

3 Responses to “Busy with life”

  1. Joan.of.the.Arch Says:

    Remember those peanut butter sandwiches you did not make on parent-teachers conference night? You can just take along the bread and PB & J to make sandwiches. And a jug of water or whatever. There are probably a lot of things in the pantry or fridge you could take along. Heck, make a casserole if you like. Make pizza and bring it along cold, already sliced. You should be able to take along multiple meals on the road.

  2. Carolina Bound Says:

    Be sure you have enough gas money. Prices can be higher in different areas.

    One thing I like to take on the road is oatmeal cookies, with lots of raisins and nuts. Sort of healthy, very tasty, easy to eat while driving, and cheap! And if you're taking a cooler, some milk to wash them down.

  3. baselle Says:

    We used to always pack sandwiches for the road, some fruit, little bit of chocolate, thermos of coffee, jug of tap water maybe with a little slice of lemon in it 'cause its a party. We always packed what was in the pantry.

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