Home > Mikes Carwash

Mikes Carwash

March 3rd, 2008 at 04:23 pm

The unlimited pass at Mike's is a great deal. I got a works wash for free today, and I will be going at least every other day.
I will be monitoring how much I have saved, and will be adding that to the $20 challenge. Since I start with a withdrawl from my credit card, it won't seem like a savings, but it really is.

5 Responses to “Mikes Carwash”

  1. disneysteve Says:

    Why do you need to wash your car every other day? I suspect that probably isn't even very good for the finish.

    How much was the unlimited pass? And how much is a basic wash without the pass?

  2. HelpMeFriend Says:

    The pass is $69.99 per month for a works wash, $39.99 for a regular wash. A works wash costs $14.00 where a regular wash is $7 or $9. So by going to the carwash 10 times in a month, which is doable here in my snowy state, I would have spent $140.00 instead of $70.00.
    That is half off. Regularly I only wash it in the summer when dirty, but in the winter, I don't want salt to eat away at my precious metal. I love my car, so I see it as maintanence rather than just beauty.

  3. disneysteve Says:

    Just my opinion, but I think you are probably going a bit overboard washing your car. Why don't you try cutting down to a regular wash once a week and, if you'd like, a works wash once a month. That would cost you $41.00 compared to $70 for the unlimited works. I still think that is a lot, but at least it would save you $30/month that could go toward pushing that dollar sign closer to the pot of gold.

    The more expenses you trim, the faster that dollar sign moves.

  4. helpmefriend Says:

    My card was declined anyway. I won't be paying $70 any more. I think that this summer will be when I need the washes anyway!

  5. disneysteve Says:

    Brittani, just for another point of view, I drive a 1998 Toyota with 106,000 miles. I've owned it since August 1998. I wash it maybe once/year, and probably even less than that. I'll clean the windows occasionally if they get too dirty and in the summer, usually take it to the do it yourself place which costs $2-$3 depending on how quickly I can do it. The car is just fine, looks fine, drives fine and doesn't have a spot of rust on it.

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