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Archive for March, 2008

Why don't you post more?

March 27th, 2008 at 02:47 pm

I haven't been posting for a week or less, and my money is slipping away. Ever so slowly, I am not accountable for my money actions, so, I don't think about it.
I don't have to tally up anything on My Balances Page, so there's nothing to worry about right?
I wish I had maybe been writing it down, saving more receipts or something. But no, I didn't want to stick to budget or stop spending.
I will slap my wrist and get back into it.
I hope that I do not have to go the library to post next week. I let my bill go and they canceled by cable, and my cable modem. That'll teach me to slack off, won't it?


March 22nd, 2008 at 05:10 pm

I have put my $20 challenge money into my account. I have $15 saved now. If this keeps up, I will have so much money this summer. I can't even begin to think about how much debt I can delete with the cash gained.
I also want to call and see what the penalty will be for withdrawing money early out of my CD. I sort of can't wait till August.

Family Day

March 22nd, 2008 at 04:37 pm

I spent the day with my family on a road trip yesterday. We went to southern Indiana to visit our grandparents and my father at the cemetary. We bought some cheap flowers and built arrangements for everyone. We also visited the last family members who still live down south, and we talked for about four hours about how much we miss our dearly departed. They took me and my two cousins out to dinner and it was a great time. I will make an effort to go down there more often. This was only the second time in ten years that I have been there. This summer, we will have a family reunion of sorts and have even more fun. It will be great, and I will take my two children and BF and show them a piece of my history along with family.
We did buy some snacks to eat on the way there, and only spent about $10 total. I feel like we can take the trip for less than $50 everytime we go. Gas is the only big purchase needed for the two hour trip down there. I can't wait to go back.
I will also make it a point to post more often than I have in the last week.

Busy with life

March 19th, 2008 at 04:50 pm

I haven't posted for a day or two as I am busy finishing up school work. Finals are next week so all of my big projects are due this week.
I am looking forward to spring break now.
I don't have any money to speak of, as I got my paycheck on Monday, and it is down to $15 today, Wednesday.
I must put money away for a trip this summer, but I don't know where it will come from.
I also am taking a road trip Friday with family, and I have no money but gas money right now.
If I spend it all in gas, what will I eat? Will I have the money to buy necessities?
I hope that I can make my money stretch.

Working can be hard

March 17th, 2008 at 12:53 am

At my job, I mostly stand. I stand in front of doors that someone is not allowed to enter, I stand at the elevator making sure that no one with out a ticket can use it. I stand all the time. My feet hurt. I was told a long time ago to take care of my feet, as they will last me my whole life. If I don't want them to hurt, I need to take care of them.

Well, my $30 shoes are wearing out, causing my feet pain. If I were to buy new shoes, they would hurt again, as they would be new and have to be broken in.

What's a girl to do. I could not work as much, but that isn't an option.
I could ask my mom to buy me some shoes, but she is already helping me pay for my children to join little league for the first time this year. I guess I could just deal with it, but this summer, I will be doing some more hard core working, causing me to walk a mile or more a night, and standing, standing, standing.

I can't wait till then. I will definately have new shoes by then.

Your blog and you

March 15th, 2008 at 10:16 pm

I haven't posted since Friday. I hate going more than a day without consulting my friends here. You help me more than you know. If you were here, you would be so proud of me. I have gone from a dollar store queen, to the girl that passes up Wal-Mart for a special treat down the line. I am saving money everyday, and it is thanks to you all. If I wouldn't have found this site, who knows what I would be drownding in now.
I just want to thank you, tell you that I love you, and that I appreciate your help with my everyday life.

No spend except gas

March 15th, 2008 at 10:13 pm

I never went to a store, but I did pay my rent today. I also bought $15 worth of gas and got 4.20 gallons. It was aprox. $3.69 a gallon.
I am taking my no spend day today. We didn't go to a store, I didn't buy Sunday liquor, since we can't buy any here on Sunday. We never went to a store so I didn't spend any unnessassary money.
So, can I count my two dollars for myself?
I will anyway. I also saved money by going to my neighbors today for some fun. We didn't need to go out and spend money to have fun. I want to have a campfire tonight. I hope I can find some wood.

Lazy little you, I mean me

March 14th, 2008 at 12:04 am

I fell victim to the "I'm lazies"!
We had two parent teachers conferences tonight, got out sorta late, and I ordered food in. I didn't want to, but I also didn't want to cook. My kitchen hates me. I know I need to get over this. It is killing my budjet.

School Days

March 13th, 2008 at 05:23 pm

As my quarter draws to an end, final projects are becoming due. I have two papers due, which I am doing fine on, but my group project is not so hot.
I didn't want to be in a group anyway, but not working well with others is not a good trait.
I just didn't want to do all the work, while they get credit for it. I can do it all myself, and get all the credit.
But a group was required, so of course I am in the group with girls who don't want to work. I am doing the largest part of the project, taking some pressure off them, but they still want me to "help them" with the rest. They want me to give them all the ideas so they don't have to work, do any research, or think.
I want my project to have a good grade. They know it, but I have an A in the class and they are hovering the C/D area. If you get lower than a C, like a C-, you fail the course and need to repeat it.
They know that I will get them a passing grade.
I just want to complain to someone. My teacher says that it will be okay.
He knows what I did and what they did.
Two weeks till Spring Break!!!

Saving NOW

March 13th, 2008 at 12:23 am

For the next five months I will be saving my income for the $20 challenge. I have not been working since August, and I consider all that I earn to be "extra".
I think that toning down my cable and phone bill, I can come up with some spare change.
I also don't think that we will be eating out but three times a month. That is way better than three times a week.
I also am not going to buy any liquor or anything of the like. I will see how much better I feel with a month without the devil's water. If it is worth the sacrifice, I will continue and probably not even miss it. Since I haven't been going out with friends to drink, it will be super easy to give up for a while.
I spent $9.75 on $3.00 worth of gas this morning. I also couldn't bring myself to pay $3.69 for premium. I got regular for $3.45.
I have been taking the stairs at school for three days now. I want to count those steps and challenge myself to take five more steps daily. I don't know how well I will remember these numbers, but I will figure something out.

I made dinner tonight, including dessert.
It only took about twenty minutes, start to finish, and it smelled wonderful. That is worth it to me to continue to cook at home. I do have to work Friday and Sunday night, but I can cook at lunch time.
Save $30.00 on Chinese food that DH wanted for dinner towards the challenge and off I go to a high balance. I will deposit the money tomorrow.
Off to a great start.

Free Money

March 12th, 2008 at 03:24 pm

I opened my $20 challenge account today. I was offered a chance to win a $50 gift card and when I sign up for direct depost, or use the online bill pay feature, I will receive a free $75 into my account.
That is awesome. I will not count the money in my challenge until I actually receive it. It shouldn't take that long though.
I also am starting a savings account for my children. They will keep any money gifts the receive, also, I can keep their college savings in there, rather than in my savings account, where I will be paying for my college with that.

Saving Advice's Advice

March 11th, 2008 at 02:26 am

"Cutting expenses is the first step in a two step process. In addition to cutting your expenses, you actually have to place the difference between what you were paying and the new price after cutting the expenses into a savings account (toward debt reduction). While this may seem obvious as you read, many people fail to do just that and wonder why cutting their expenses hasn't resulted in more savings (or debt reduction)."

I took this from the site and wanted to let you know how right you are.
I have added up a lot of money with my $20 challenge. I have only been here since late January, but I have accumulated over $350.00. Do I have $350.00 in the bank? NO. Should I have? YES!
I wish that I would have read this earlier. I knew that I should be socking away the money I claimed, but I really was just happy to be saving it, and didn't have the money in my hand to put into a source.
I will be opening a new savings account tomorrow, and tracking my $20 challenge money that way.
I am just so disappointed that I didn't do this two months ago.

Quick savings

March 11th, 2008 at 02:20 am

I just want to add $2.00 to my $20 challenge money. I brought snacks to school and never even looked at the vending machines. They are usually broken anyway. I bought a milk one time, since I took cereal with me, and the machine jammed. My poor little milk was dangling there, taunting me.
I planned to take my snack and buy milk when I got there. It will never happen again.

Budget Overhaul

March 11th, 2008 at 02:16 am

Reading some money saving tips, I found some ways to cut corners in my budget. I can cut down on the "unnecessary trips" in my car to save gas. I will limit my alcohol consumption, even though I did save money staying home instead of going out. Cigarettes poses a bigger problem though.
I have signed my kids up for baseball this week, so in the coming months I will be spending time there rather than spending money somewhere else. I also live about 1/2 a block from the diamonds so we will pack lunch and drinks to drag there. Concession stand prices are crazy.
I know I have told myself this before, but we really HAVE TO QUIT EATING TAKEOUT!
Since I have a big grocery budget, I need to use it a little more wisely. I also can make all the foods we like to eat out at home. Us parents just need to quit being lazy. I am more guilty of it, as Daddy works early to late Monday through Friday. He should be tired. He gets up over an hour before we do.
I subscribed to recipe site that sends me weeks worth of food, the shopping list and all, but I have yet to implement it into our daily lives.
When I save up enough for my chest freezer, I know that I will use the cook and freeze a week method more. Right now my little freezer is full of crap.
I buy the healthy foods for us, and they go to waste. I think that is why I don't cook as much. Fast food tastes better. I love a homemade hamburger better, but my children are used to the flat, tasteless patty.
I also want to grill out at least twice a week this summer. That will be entertaining, and good for us. Outside in the sun, running and laughing; I can't wait.
If anyone has any suggestions on how I can make myself STOP the fast food route, PLEASE let me know. I tried doing it, complaining when Daddy brought it home, but I ate it and was glad he did. I would love to get out of that trap. Telling myself how much more money it costs isn't helping.
Also, I need to do the freeze it meals because I work nights and weekends, and DH works days. If I want both of us to quit buying, I need to have it ready for him to thaw or nuke and serve.

Veggies and Fruit are our least favorite. I want to add more of that into my children's diet. Grown ups too. So maybe I can buy a chocolate dip for them to have. Marshmallow sounds good too.

Having a GREAT day

March 10th, 2008 at 04:46 pm

I am loving life today! I gave a great speech in class a little bit ago. I called and am working a whole four days this week. Yahoo. Also, I am anticipating that my check that was due one week ago today may have a bonus for the payroll person screwing up so badly.
My boss really likes me and doesn't want anything to make me mad so that I quit.
I was unemployeed from August to January. The person that was responsible for my termination never consulted with his boss, the owner of the company, and fired me. When I came in to get my last check, I was on my way to an interview. Obviously I didn't get a job, but W-2's were due and I went to pick mine up. I asked the boss if I could work this summer at a major venue they cover, and he wanted me to begin right away.
When the owner saw me again, he questioned me about why I quit.
I didn't quit, T*** fired me.
He was unaware of my being let go and was very angry. If I would have complained in August, I would have had a job the whole time. I did enjoy the time off, even if we were broke, and I started college in January.
It was good for me to have a break, but I am ready for the busy season to come back to get more hours. Four days this week is good for me. I think that things are picking up and hopfully will continue to go smoothly.

Wanting to talk to someone

March 9th, 2008 at 09:56 pm

I received a negative comment that I deleted from my post that I wrote while drinking. I want to let everyone know that I was not blind-stinking drunk while posting. My children were well taken care of, and no one was hurt.
I don't think that one should not drink because of the fears of what people think. Alcoholism does not run in my family, even though my mom likes her Cosmos every once and a while (she is a bartender and loves to serve others). But I don't think that I should be viewed as a drunk. I save my drinking for the weekends that I don't work. I spend all of my working days watching drunk people enjoying their day. Sometimes I want to be only half as drunk as them. But, I feel that drinking is a right of passage for those 21 and older. I am of age, drank in my own home, going no where afterwards. If you have a problem with liquor, or are a recovering alcoholic, please, don't drink. But don't criticize me for doing it. I was within my right, hurt no one but myself, and had a great night.
What does this have to do with finances? SIMPLE! The liquor cost me money. I made sure that I got my $19 out of the bottle I bought. I believe that if you drink responsibly, you can do so. If you can't control yourself when you do, then don't.
But I like it and will continue to. I look at it this way: I didn't buy cocaine from someone and drive into someones mother killing them. I had a drink at home, while with my children, and everyone was safe.
I do understand that drinking hurts your body, you can not reverse the effects of drinking, and I am not an addict. I like to let loose once in a while, like every other weekend.
I have been drinking today, pretty much finishing up the bottle I had, but in no way am I drunk. I just like to vent here, and this is one of the best places I can do it. I just want to ask forgivness from those that I offended.
I leave you with a picture that only a drunk person would appreciate. ME in the shower.

$20 Challenge

March 9th, 2008 at 05:48 pm

I have concluded that $5 will be sufficent for counting towards my total for the challenge for having a NO SPEND DAY!!! I like being at home with family, and it is getting easier to have more of these.
Library books are keeping me company, as well as the children cleaning their room, laundry going in that room, and the living room being clutter free for weeks now.
I am happy to be here, and that helps. I would have the boys go to the store with me to just get out of this house, full of clutter, stinking from dishes, and dirty clothes everywhere.
I have learned how to fight this urge, by cleaning my home. I no longer go ANYWHERE but here, just to escape. I still had to come home. I usually had two or three bags full of new crap. That wasn't helping.
I will count this towards my challenge, and every purchase that I pass up as well. If I were in my previous state of mind, it would have made me feel better to buy, buy, buy. I am better now, and working hard to teach my children the correct ways.

Car parts and their costs

March 9th, 2008 at 05:33 pm

I was told that he was just going to do a simple oil change on my car. Now I am paying for two more parts for over $40 a piece. I wanted to pay rent. If my car breaks down and I can't work, I can't pay rent. I see his reasoning, but really, so close to the due date? I can't win.

CD matures

March 9th, 2008 at 02:46 am

August 14th can't come soon enough. I am waiting on my $1000.00 to come back to me. I was dumb and didn't pay off debt with my tax refund. I should have done this, now I know. But, I was scared to waste my money, spending it as soon as I received it. That is what happened the last two years. I didn't want that to happen this year. So, I saved it, am gaining about $32 for the agonizing 6 months I must wait, and will have money this summer, just in time for school to start. My oldest will be in 1st grade, and my youngest will be starting Kindergarden. They will have awesome backbacks, clothes, shoes, and supplies.
I will buy cheap school supplies for myself, and will not waste the money when I can use it.
I hope that I will have my Credit Card Debt paid down so low that I don't need to use my CD money for it.
I also must have some restraint in the spending department before I get the money out.
If I save like I should, I may not be so anxious about getting it.
With DH working now, but who knows how much longer, I want to save while he wants to spend. I understand that he sees it as his money, but he has to pay bills first. I just want him to see this as a priority, not just what I do for fun.
I will win him over yet.

Money Saving Tips

March 9th, 2008 at 02:38 am

I have put the money saving tip thingy on my side bar of this blog, and find myself just refreshing to see the next one. It is cool.

Politics, Religion, and Her

March 9th, 2008 at 01:12 am

That is a great country song about everything he doesn't want to talk about. As I sit here drunk, thinking about what to say, I can't think of anything good to write about. My children are being very good and quiet, not fighting or crying, and my DH is out helping his sister with her DH. If I could say anything about right this minute, I would say that money isn't everything, you can live without it, and happiness is blessing you always.
Do you need to alter reality to see the good in life? I think that when I wake up in the morning, I will remember the stress of paying the rent after DH spent $162 on brake parts for his car. I don't want to think about it right now.
I will also remember that I shouldn't have bought such a big bottle of liquor today at the grocery. But, that is neither here nor there.
Also, thanks to all those who support me in my ways, good or bad, and are there for me through thick and thin. I am getting to the thin part. HA.
Good night to you all, and a happy no stress day tomorrow. I am feeling no pain right now, so all is good.

Tossing Money Away

March 8th, 2008 at 04:52 pm

We get bored at work. We try so hard to make everything go so smoothly, when it does, it is borring. So to break the silence, one of my co-workers was tossing pennies down the hall at me. Now, I only made it home with one, but he really was going to keep throwing them at me. I picked them up and put them into my pocket, not being immature and throwing them back. But I did give him his change back, except for one. Since I did have to bend over and pick up all that money, I figured I should get something out of it.

Add a penny and $32.00 earned income that I wouldn't have gotten to the challenge.

Weekend NO Spend

March 8th, 2008 at 03:57 am

Can I do it? I think the cold weather will keep me in for the next two days. I can always send the Man of the House out to get milk, bread, and any chocolate I may need. I don't mind spending money on such items, as they are needed. If I went to the corner store, I could come back with three or four bags of stuff and forget the milk I went after.
That is why I am about to cut up my debit card.

Work tonight

March 8th, 2008 at 03:21 am

Well, add my four hours in at work tonight and I might be able to put gas into my car this weekend.
I haven't been doing any unnecessary driving since gas is so high, but I am getting tired of staying home. The kids are driving me batty.
I think that we need to play some old games or do some more of our puzzles.
That would be great if I could find something fun for at home that wouldn't cost any money.

Getting paid to do my chores

March 7th, 2008 at 06:11 pm

So far today, I have found .51 in the laundry. I think of it as pay.
I wonder if I will ever find change in the bottom of the kitchen sink! HA
I let you know if that happens.
I also saved on parking for work tonight.
$2.00 will not be spent, as I am going elsewhere to work and then park.

OVER 10,000. Thanks for all the support, kind words, smacks back to reality, and the like. I appreciate the help, really I do.

Money is slipping away

March 7th, 2008 at 04:16 pm

I feel as if my money can see me coming from a mile away. If I have money, it jumps out of my hand, or rather, my card slips from my grip, and it is gone. If I am expecting money my way, it takes more than expected, I didn't plan without it, and I am drowning.
My school work is also slipping, but I have it under control. As long as I keep answering to myself, I can do it. I have spent so much money for dining out, that it is too terible for me to even think about it. But, since I am recording it, it makes me look at it, and that my money could be working for me rather than against me.
I'll get there.

No Spend Day

March 7th, 2008 at 02:21 pm

Since my children are sick with strep, I won't be going anywhere today, except for work tonight.
Womens NCAA Big 10 basketball tournament is going on, and they plan on being busy.
So, saving money is my key today. I will be doing laundry, using my surplus of laundry soap, and having the children help me straighten up.
Sicky will be in bed most the day, but my oldest son is just here for support. That and I didn't want to dress three people this morning, going out in the cold for no reason.
A three day weekend never hurt anyone anyway.
I need to get library books back too, but that can wait till Saturday.
No gas spent=$5.00 for $20 challenge
No cigarettes bought=$4.20 for $20 challenge

Pay day was Monday. What is today?

March 6th, 2008 at 06:59 pm

I strolled into my work, the main office downtown, expecting a check, or something sort of like it. I heard that the computer was down, and they don't know how long it will be.
So, why don't you have the checks printed?
They don't know.
So, since I was late on getting my check, I don't get one? WRONG!
When will I get my check?
They don't know.
What do you know?


If I was expecting any sort of real money on this check, I would be livid. I don't even think that I have hours on it.
The problem is that payroll isn't doing their job if checks were out at the beginning of the week, when I don't get one since it is Thursday.
There is no excuse, computers or not. My check should have been printed with all the others.

Doctors office

March 6th, 2008 at 06:56 pm

Spent the day at the doctors today with my youngest. Meds were free. Missed school again, but I'll get over it. As long as my son is taken care of, I'll get things done. I do have to work tonight and tomorrow. That will keep study time down.

Cards and hassle

March 4th, 2008 at 05:45 pm

After paying down my credit card debt, I will probably not be able to get a credit card for a long, long time. I guess more of the accounts are closed than I thought.
I have requested that one account be reopened, but they will look at my credit report before doing it, and I probably not get it.
At least I can't pile on any more debt that way. I don't need to as it is.

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