Home > Cards and hassle

Cards and hassle

March 4th, 2008 at 05:45 pm

After paying down my credit card debt, I will probably not be able to get a credit card for a long, long time. I guess more of the accounts are closed than I thought.
I have requested that one account be reopened, but they will look at my credit report before doing it, and I probably not get it.
At least I can't pile on any more debt that way. I don't need to as it is.

2 Responses to “Cards and hassle”

  1. miclason Says:

    congratulations!!!!....I'm more or less in the same situation (or will be, soon, hopefully)...
    A couple of years ago I kept losing my debit card, so I decided to go without one for at least a year...glad to say after that year I've yet to lose a debit card!, who knows, some time without cc's might be useful!

    good luck!

  2. PaydayTree Says:

    Good job paying down your debt. All too often people continue on the cycle of getting more and more credit cards, transferring balances, and basically making the hold much deeper. We see a lot of people at our company taking out payday loans to cover other payday loans and then getting into financial ruin. It's nice that you stood up, took care of your responsibilities, and are rebuilding your credit. It's so hard sometimes and shows great self control because it's so easy to get deep into debt.

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