Home > CD matures

CD matures

March 9th, 2008 at 02:46 am

August 14th can't come soon enough. I am waiting on my $1000.00 to come back to me. I was dumb and didn't pay off debt with my tax refund. I should have done this, now I know. But, I was scared to waste my money, spending it as soon as I received it. That is what happened the last two years. I didn't want that to happen this year. So, I saved it, am gaining about $32 for the agonizing 6 months I must wait, and will have money this summer, just in time for school to start. My oldest will be in 1st grade, and my youngest will be starting Kindergarden. They will have awesome backbacks, clothes, shoes, and supplies.
I will buy cheap school supplies for myself, and will not waste the money when I can use it.
I hope that I will have my Credit Card Debt paid down so low that I don't need to use my CD money for it.
I also must have some restraint in the spending department before I get the money out.
If I save like I should, I may not be so anxious about getting it.
With DH working now, but who knows how much longer, I want to save while he wants to spend. I understand that he sees it as his money, but he has to pay bills first. I just want him to see this as a priority, not just what I do for fun.
I will win him over yet.

3 Responses to “CD matures”

  1. littlemama Says:

    Has he read Total Money Makeover by Dave Ramsey? Maybe you can check it out of the library.

  2. disneysteve Says:

    Your husband needs to understand that once you get married, it is no longer "his" money and "her" money. It all becomes "our" money. You need to work together as a team to plan spending, cover expenses and save for common goals. If you aren't going to do that, there's no point in getting married.

  3. HelpMeFriend Says:

    We are not technically married, but I think giving over 6 years into a relationship, I qualify to call him that, as well as my in-laws. I have had children with him, so I am part of the family, as he is part of mine.

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