Home > School Days

School Days

March 13th, 2008 at 05:23 pm

As my quarter draws to an end, final projects are becoming due. I have two papers due, which I am doing fine on, but my group project is not so hot.
I didn't want to be in a group anyway, but not working well with others is not a good trait.
I just didn't want to do all the work, while they get credit for it. I can do it all myself, and get all the credit.
But a group was required, so of course I am in the group with girls who don't want to work. I am doing the largest part of the project, taking some pressure off them, but they still want me to "help them" with the rest. They want me to give them all the ideas so they don't have to work, do any research, or think.
I want my project to have a good grade. They know it, but I have an A in the class and they are hovering the C/D area. If you get lower than a C, like a C-, you fail the course and need to repeat it.
They know that I will get them a passing grade.
I just want to complain to someone. My teacher says that it will be okay.
He knows what I did and what they did.
Two weeks till Spring Break!!!

2 Responses to “School Days”

  1. Slowlygettingthere Says:

    Having been on both sides of that problem, I understand how you feel. But "cream always rises to the top" - and your teacher let you know that he is aware of your quality! Just think- in 14 days the project will be done, and it will fade to a memory Smile.

  2. aevans1206 Says:

    Good for you sweetie! Plug on and persevere! It'll taste so good when you cross the stage with a degree.

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