Home > Why don't you post more?

Why don't you post more?

March 27th, 2008 at 02:47 pm

I haven't been posting for a week or less, and my money is slipping away. Ever so slowly, I am not accountable for my money actions, so, I don't think about it.
I don't have to tally up anything on My Balances Page, so there's nothing to worry about right?
I wish I had maybe been writing it down, saving more receipts or something. But no, I didn't want to stick to budget or stop spending.
I will slap my wrist and get back into it.
I hope that I do not have to go the library to post next week. I let my bill go and they canceled by cable, and my cable modem. That'll teach me to slack off, won't it?

4 Responses to “Why don't you post more?”

  1. Slowlygettingthere Says:

    I can so relate! I think that I have joined your club... It's killer, isn't it? The money just slips away and I don't even know where it went.
    But there is a new month coming- I'll look for your postsSmile

  2. mooshocker Says:

    The best thing about tomorrow is that it is a new day full of new hope, opportunity, resiliance and FAITH. God bless you and here is to your return.

  3. boomeyers Says:

    Ooh, tough lesson to learn. Yep, get back on here and be accountable! You can do it!

  4. Amber Says:

    Some times we stumble, you just have to brush yourself off and get back on board...good luck

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