Home > $20 Challenge

$20 Challenge

March 9th, 2008 at 05:48 pm

I have concluded that $5 will be sufficent for counting towards my total for the challenge for having a NO SPEND DAY!!! I like being at home with family, and it is getting easier to have more of these.
Library books are keeping me company, as well as the children cleaning their room, laundry going in that room, and the living room being clutter free for weeks now.
I am happy to be here, and that helps. I would have the boys go to the store with me to just get out of this house, full of clutter, stinking from dishes, and dirty clothes everywhere.
I have learned how to fight this urge, by cleaning my home. I no longer go ANYWHERE but here, just to escape. I still had to come home. I usually had two or three bags full of new crap. That wasn't helping.
I will count this towards my challenge, and every purchase that I pass up as well. If I were in my previous state of mind, it would have made me feel better to buy, buy, buy. I am better now, and working hard to teach my children the correct ways.

4 Responses to “$20 Challenge”

  1. Amber Says:

    It's nice not spending, I have not had one of those days in a while

  2. KellyB Says:

    Good for you! You are learning the "less is more" philospohy, and also enjoying what you already have or can use for free (library) vs. the consumerism drivne buy, buy, buy mentality. Congratulations and enjoy your home and free time!!

  3. HelpMeFriend Says:

    We ate mac and cheese for lunch. I remember when I was little and we didn't have much money, but my mom made sure that we had kraft mac and cheese. It was good for all of us today. I wouldn't trade it for anything. They may look back at their lives thinking about all the good things I gave to them, even though we don't have much money.

  4. luxlivingfrugalis Says:

    This sounds like you may have found

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