Viewing the 'Credit Repair' Category
March 12th, 2008 at 03:24 pm
I opened my $20 challenge account today. I was offered a chance to win a $50 gift card and when I sign up for direct depost, or use the online bill pay feature, I will receive a free $75 into my account.
That is awesome. I will not count the money in my challenge until I actually receive it. It shouldn't take that long though.
I also am starting a savings account for my children. They will keep any money gifts the receive, also, I can keep their college savings in there, rather than in my savings account, where I will be paying for my college with that.
Posted in
Credit Repair,
$20 Challenge,
School Days
March 11th, 2008 at 02:26 am

"Cutting expenses is the first step in a two step process. In addition to cutting your expenses, you actually have to place the difference between what you were paying and the new price after cutting the expenses into a savings account (toward debt reduction). While this may seem obvious as you read, many people fail to do just that and wonder why cutting their expenses hasn't resulted in more savings (or debt reduction)."
I took this from the site and wanted to let you know how right you are.
I have added up a lot of money with my $20 challenge. I have only been here since late January, but I have accumulated over $350.00. Do I have $350.00 in the bank? NO. Should I have? YES!
I wish that I would have read this earlier. I knew that I should be socking away the money I claimed, but I really was just happy to be saving it, and didn't have the money in my hand to put into a source.
I will be opening a new savings account tomorrow, and tracking my $20 challenge money that way.
I am just so disappointed that I didn't do this two months ago.
Posted in
Hints and Tips Wanted,
Credit Repair,
$20 Challenge
March 11th, 2008 at 02:16 am
Reading some money saving tips, I found some ways to cut corners in my budget. I can cut down on the "unnecessary trips" in my car to save gas. I will limit my alcohol consumption, even though I did save money staying home instead of going out. Cigarettes poses a bigger problem though.
I have signed my kids up for baseball this week, so in the coming months I will be spending time there rather than spending money somewhere else. I also live about 1/2 a block from the diamonds so we will pack lunch and drinks to drag there. Concession stand prices are crazy.
I know I have told myself this before, but we really HAVE TO QUIT EATING TAKEOUT!
Since I have a big grocery budget, I need to use it a little more wisely. I also can make all the foods we like to eat out at home. Us parents just need to quit being lazy. I am more guilty of it, as Daddy works early to late Monday through Friday. He should be tired. He gets up over an hour before we do.
I subscribed to recipe site that sends me weeks worth of food, the shopping list and all, but I have yet to implement it into our daily lives.
When I save up enough for my chest freezer, I know that I will use the cook and freeze a week method more. Right now my little freezer is full of crap.
I buy the healthy foods for us, and they go to waste. I think that is why I don't cook as much. Fast food tastes better. I love a homemade hamburger better, but my children are used to the flat, tasteless patty.
I also want to grill out at least twice a week this summer. That will be entertaining, and good for us. Outside in the sun, running and laughing; I can't wait.
If anyone has any suggestions on how I can make myself STOP the fast food route, PLEASE let me know. I tried doing it, complaining when Daddy brought it home, but I ate it and was glad he did. I would love to get out of that trap. Telling myself how much more money it costs isn't helping.
Also, I need to do the freeze it meals because I work nights and weekends, and DH works days. If I want both of us to quit buying, I need to have it ready for him to thaw or nuke and serve.
Veggies and Fruit are our least favorite. I want to add more of that into my children's diet. Grown ups too. So maybe I can buy a chocolate dip for them to have. Marshmallow sounds good too.
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Hints and Tips Wanted,
Credit Repair,
Spending Again,
Darling Dears,
Kitchen Overhaul (Body and Mind)
March 10th, 2008 at 04:46 pm
I am loving life today! I gave a great speech in class a little bit ago. I called and am working a whole four days this week. Yahoo. Also, I am anticipating that my check that was due one week ago today may have a bonus for the payroll person screwing up so badly.
My boss really likes me and doesn't want anything to make me mad so that I quit.
I was unemployeed from August to January. The person that was responsible for my termination never consulted with his boss, the owner of the company, and fired me. When I came in to get my last check, I was on my way to an interview. Obviously I didn't get a job, but W-2's were due and I went to pick mine up. I asked the boss if I could work this summer at a major venue they cover, and he wanted me to begin right away.
When the owner saw me again, he questioned me about why I quit.
I didn't quit, T*** fired me.
He was unaware of my being let go and was very angry. If I would have complained in August, I would have had a job the whole time. I did enjoy the time off, even if we were broke, and I started college in January.
It was good for me to have a break, but I am ready for the busy season to come back to get more hours. Four days this week is good for me. I think that things are picking up and hopfully will continue to go smoothly.
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Hints and Tips Wanted,
Credit Repair,
Loving my budget
March 9th, 2008 at 05:48 pm

I have concluded that $5 will be sufficent for counting towards my total for the challenge for having a NO SPEND DAY!!! I like being at home with family, and it is getting easier to have more of these.
Library books are keeping me company, as well as the children cleaning their room, laundry going in that room, and the living room being clutter free for weeks now.
I am happy to be here, and that helps. I would have the boys go to the store with me to just get out of this house, full of clutter, stinking from dishes, and dirty clothes everywhere.
I have learned how to fight this urge, by cleaning my home. I no longer go ANYWHERE but here, just to escape. I still had to come home. I usually had two or three bags full of new crap. That wasn't helping.
I will count this towards my challenge, and every purchase that I pass up as well. If I were in my previous state of mind, it would have made me feel better to buy, buy, buy. I am better now, and working hard to teach my children the correct ways.
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Hints and Tips Wanted,
Credit Repair,
$20 Challenge,
Loving my budget,
Darling Dears
March 9th, 2008 at 05:33 pm
I was told that he was just going to do a simple oil change on my car. Now I am paying for two more parts for over $40 a piece. I wanted to pay rent. If my car breaks down and I can't work, I can't pay rent. I see his reasoning, but really, so close to the due date? I can't win.
Posted in
Hints and Tips Wanted,
Credit Repair,
Spending Again,
Checkbook Hell!,
Darling Dears
March 9th, 2008 at 02:46 am

August 14th can't come soon enough. I am waiting on my $1000.00 to come back to me. I was dumb and didn't pay off debt with my tax refund. I should have done this, now I know. But, I was scared to waste my money, spending it as soon as I received it. That is what happened the last two years. I didn't want that to happen this year. So, I saved it, am gaining about $32 for the agonizing 6 months I must wait, and will have money this summer, just in time for school to start. My oldest will be in 1st grade, and my youngest will be starting Kindergarden. They will have awesome backbacks, clothes, shoes, and supplies.
I will buy cheap school supplies for myself, and will not waste the money when I can use it.
I hope that I will have my Credit Card Debt paid down so low that I don't need to use my CD money for it.
I also must have some restraint in the spending department before I get the money out.
If I save like I should, I may not be so anxious about getting it.
With DH working now, but who knows how much longer, I want to save while he wants to spend. I understand that he sees it as his money, but he has to pay bills first. I just want him to see this as a priority, not just what I do for fun.
I will win him over yet.
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Hints and Tips Wanted,
Credit Repair,
Credit Abuser,
Loving my budget
March 8th, 2008 at 03:57 am
Can I do it? I think the cold weather will keep me in for the next two days. I can always send the Man of the House out to get milk, bread, and any chocolate I may need. I don't mind spending money on such items, as they are needed. If I went to the corner store, I could come back with three or four bags of stuff and forget the milk I went after.
That is why I am about to cut up my debit card.
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Hints and Tips Wanted,
Credit Repair,
Credit Abuser,
Spending Again
March 4th, 2008 at 05:45 pm
After paying down my credit card debt, I will probably not be able to get a credit card for a long, long time. I guess more of the accounts are closed than I thought.
I have requested that one account be reopened, but they will look at my credit report before doing it, and I probably not get it.
At least I can't pile on any more debt that way. I don't need to as it is.
Posted in
Credit Repair,
Credit Abuser
March 2nd, 2008 at 02:29 am
I will be trying the new method that I started last week.
I will withdraw an amount every week and when the money is gone, it is gone. I don't count every expense to this. A weekly payment to daycare doesn't count, as that is fixed. Also, I won't be counting the utilities, but defintely the gas, cigarettes, and phone bill.
My phone bill is outrageous!
I have budgeted for the next three months, but then am thinking about cutting down.
I have gotten a little obsessed with this budget thing.
I counted my Sunday breakfast with a coupon, and every other penny spent for the next two weeks.
Well, I guess it's better late than never right?
I hope so.
Posted in
Hints and Tips Wanted,
Credit Repair,
Spending Again,
Loving my budget
March 2nd, 2008 at 01:56 am
I am getting my budget ready for the month. I don't know how we did it, but I figured out that with credit card payments, rent, gas, lights, phone, daycare, and basic needs like gas, cigarettes, and food.
I have gotten us to flat even. WOW!
It helped that I paid extra on credit cards last month and now my min. payment is down.
I think this site is the reason.
You are watching me. You are holding me to a common sense standard.
Thank you.
I have figured in my son's birthday, which is going to figure in a movie and popcorn. Great idea son!
I think this is going to be a good year, and it is really just starting.
If you think about it, we are going towards Christmas. I am not worried.
You are helping me and you don't even have to try!
Posted in
Hints and Tips Wanted,
Credit Repair,
Loving my budget,
Checkbook Hell!
March 1st, 2008 at 10:51 pm
We had a sleepover last night. We spent no money last night or today. So there's money to go into the challenge. $2.50 for gas saved, .15 for Laundry money found, and $5.50 not spent on a replacement hampster.
I wanted the pet, not my kids. I just want someone else to talk to besides Spike the goldfish.
I got two of my credit cards down below the credit limit. Go me! I didn't even use my tax check to do it. I sacked that away in a CD. I maybe should have put the money on my cards, but I was more intrested in being able to use my money, not toss it away the second I got it.
I also wanted to tell everyone who has been commenting on my posts, I appreciate the help, tips, and support you give. Thanks so much.
Posted in
Credit Repair,
$20 Challenge,
Credit Abuser,
Loving my budget
February 28th, 2008 at 05:21 pm
This morning, my live in baby daddy said that he is glad I am working since every little bit helps. He is correct in that aspect, but his reasoning is stupid. Right after that, he said so that we can have more stuff. We don't need more stuff. We have enough stuff. We need less stuff and more debt paid off. Right now I have a few necessities:Rent is number one, daycare is number two, phone and lights is number three, along with all other utilities, and four is making sure that my two children and the two of us have everything we need to survive. We don't need toys or to eat breakfast out every weekend. Right now it is on Sundays, as our splurge day. We need to stop that mentality. I have learned it somewhat already. The crap we had I got rid of. It was cluttering our house, minds, and spirits. We would fight more often, since money was a big part of the buying crap. Also, I don't think that the key to happiness is having stuff, or money for that matter. I just want our family to be happy. Yes, I buy my kids toys. Yes, I buy junk food at the grocery store. Yes, I even buy more cigarettes and liquor than I should, but that is not what I base our lives on.
Maybe when I start to show him that stuff leads to more arguements and loss of money, he will appreciate what I am trying to do for our family.
Posted in
Credit Repair,
Loving my budget,
Darling Dears
February 27th, 2008 at 01:50 pm
Yesterday, I went to the bank.
I withdrew money from my checking account, as I want all my money to be in my saving account that I can stand.
I cannot spend more that I withdrew from the bank, as not many places will take a check anymore, and I have lost my debit card.
Thank You!!
I can no longer go out to eat, as that will take up all my money I just took out.
I also think this will help my splurge spending. I want no more of that happening.
I have to work again tonight, so I have to pay to park. That stinks, but it is only two bucks for downtown. I shouldn't ask for more.
Also, for not having my check card, I saved myself 13.00 at the grocery store, so I will add that to my challenge money. I never get to add anything.
Posted in
Credit Repair,
$20 Challenge,
Loving my budget,
Checkbook Hell!
February 21st, 2008 at 03:02 pm
I am enjoying my first day back to school after a horrible sickness. I even got a request to take my picture, since I dressed up for Professional Dress Day.
But I am supposed to be working on my research paper, but I am so far ahead of myself, I just couldn't do it.
I saved money today by bringing my lunch and drink, so there is $4.95 to the $20 challenge.
I also have to clean the crib for my oldest son's birthday this Sunday, so I don't see spending any money tonight either. I made dinner ahead last night, so tonight is just warm ups. There is another $15.00 to the challenge. It just keeps adding up doesn't it?
Back to work!
Posted in
Credit Repair,
$20 Challenge,
School Days
February 17th, 2008 at 04:25 pm
When I woke up this morning, I just wanted to spend money. I want to buy a chest freezer for my kitchen. I want to get new socks for me and my youngest son. I want to spend, spend, spend.
I want to buy a pretty bucket to put cigarette butts in outside.
I want new rugs in the bathroom.
I just want it all.
I don't need any of these things, as I have socks, they just need washed, I have three bath rugs, and my freezer can wait another month or so.
Do I need a "pretty" bucket if it will just sit outside, getting rained on? NO, it is for nasty cig butts.
I am not going anywhere today, to control my hand in the money pocket.
Yeah for me. I can control myself!
Posted in
Credit Repair,
Spending Again
February 16th, 2008 at 12:33 am
I am sure that some people out there hate credit card companies. I do. I hate when they call me 10 times a day, sent threat letters to my house, and if I had a job, try to call my work.
I just called to make a lump sum payment to a credit card that was WAY past due. Four months past due. I asked if I could have the $14.95 check by phone fee waived. She said no problem, but wanted to know if she could look to see if there was something else she could try. They have a payment match program there. I was making a lump sum payment, so she added half of what I was paying. WOW! The check fee was applied, but I will take a $227 credit over $14.95 any day.
Thank you so much, whoever you were.
Posted in
Credit Repair,
Credit Abuser,
Loving my budget
February 16th, 2008 at 12:00 am
I used my tax check for good this year. I know I said that I would use most of it for debt pay off, but I decided that I need to save my money rather than just spend it as soon as I get it. I opened a CD at my bank. I got the 6 month, highest intrest rate they had. 3.2% intrest rate with 3.25% APY. August will be a good month. I am glad that I saved. Its like hell froze over and I am in control of my money now.
I have my gas bill paid up until the summer. I over paid about $300. It was an accident, trust me.
I just need to pay up my cable, internet, and phone bills. Then I will be happy.
Posted in
Credit Repair,
Loving my budget
February 11th, 2008 at 02:34 pm
I spent the last four days working. I wonder how much my paycheck is going to be. I don't get a lot of hours, usually only 5 or so a day, so I am hopeful that I make enough to pay off my phone bill and cable bills past due amount. I guess I'll find out.
Posted in
Credit Repair
February 1st, 2008 at 02:38 am
I haven't blogged in a day or two. I am depressed about my finances. I wrote checks, mailed them out, and sat back to relax. Now my phone is disconnected, my gas bill has a disconnect notice, and I don't know where all my money went.
I can't live like this. I have to pay rent, daycare, and other items that I can't live without. I hate bills. I can't live without my phone though. But how do I tell them, here is another 200.00, when you get my other check, don't cash it. YEAH, like that will happen.
I guess I will have to get use to the fact that I am poor. I just filed my taxes online. Talk about depressing; I have two children and I am filing head of household. I thought I would get some money back. That's what I thought.
I will change.
This is the year.
I won't go through this again.
My college education will pay off.
I can change.
Posted in
Credit Repair
January 22nd, 2008 at 10:22 pm
I can't pay you. I have no money. You call and I ignore. You send a bill, and I toss it. I don't want to stiff you, but I have no money. Even when I do give you my last little drop of blood, you just add a late payment fee, finance charge, and other crazy fee, and I owe $40.00 more than when I did pay you. Cut me some slack. Back off a bit and I will give you money with my Tax check. You are killing me with stress and I give up. By the way, I know it's still you when you call Withheld!!!
Help Me Friend
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Credit Repair