Home > Long time no money...

Long time no money...

February 1st, 2008 at 02:38 am

I haven't blogged in a day or two. I am depressed about my finances. I wrote checks, mailed them out, and sat back to relax. Now my phone is disconnected, my gas bill has a disconnect notice, and I don't know where all my money went.
I can't live like this. I have to pay rent, daycare, and other items that I can't live without. I hate bills. I can't live without my phone though. But how do I tell them, here is another 200.00, when you get my other check, don't cash it. YEAH, like that will happen.
I guess I will have to get use to the fact that I am poor. I just filed my taxes online. Talk about depressing; I have two children and I am filing head of household. I thought I would get some money back. That's what I thought.
I will change.
This is the year.
I won't go through this again.
My college education will pay off.
I can change.

2 Responses to “Long time no money...”

  1. fairy74 Says:

    Good luck, you can do it!

  2. Ima saver Says:

    YOu can do it!!

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