Home > Those Damn Credit Cards

Those Damn Credit Cards

January 22nd, 2008 at 10:22 pm

I can't pay you. I have no money. You call and I ignore. You send a bill, and I toss it. I don't want to stiff you, but I have no money. Even when I do give you my last little drop of blood, you just add a late payment fee, finance charge, and other crazy fee, and I owe $40.00 more than when I did pay you. Cut me some slack. Back off a bit and I will give you money with my Tax check. You are killing me with stress and I give up. By the way, I know it's still you when you call Withheld!!!

Help Me Friend

3 Responses to “Those Damn Credit Cards”

  1. denisentexas Says:

    Boy, can I relate! I haven't used a card in years but still owe to some companies from then. I feel your pain!

  2. merch Says:

    Hmm.. I don't envy you. I think you just need to strap down, bite the bullet and realize that things are going to suck for a while.

    1) I would get a budget in place and put down bare bones. - Rent, car, mimium on credit cards, utilities
    2) Cut out nonessentials - beer, alcohol, drink water and eat beans and rice.
    3) When money comes in immediately but it into the categories you budgeted.
    4) throw the credit cards into the freezer.
    5) Talk to your credit card companies - explain what you are doing - better they recieve something rather than nothing
    6) Focus on your long term goals - why are you doing this? Future financial security - yea life sucks now but 3, 4, 5, 6 months from now it will be a whole lot better.
    7)Believe in yourself. You can do this!!!

    Good luck. And remember there are a lot of people here who want you to get out of this hole.

  3. helpmefriend Says:

    Thanks for the encouragement.
    I no longer use any credit cards.
    I have a hard time making the minimum payments, and that is why I have such a hard time bringing the balances down.
    I am more likely to look 7-10 years down the road when this stuff is off my credit report.

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