Viewing the 'Checkbook Hell!' Category
March 27th, 2008 at 02:47 pm
I haven't been posting for a week or less, and my money is slipping away. Ever so slowly, I am not accountable for my money actions, so, I don't think about it.
I don't have to tally up anything on My Balances Page, so there's nothing to worry about right?
I wish I had maybe been writing it down, saving more receipts or something. But no, I didn't want to stick to budget or stop spending.
I will slap my wrist and get back into it.
I hope that I do not have to go the library to post next week. I let my bill go and they canceled by cable, and my cable modem. That'll teach me to slack off, won't it?
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Hints and Tips Wanted,
Credit Repair,
Credit Abuser,
Checkbook Hell!
March 19th, 2008 at 04:50 pm
I haven't posted for a day or two as I am busy finishing up school work. Finals are next week so all of my big projects are due this week.
I am looking forward to spring break now.
I don't have any money to speak of, as I got my paycheck on Monday, and it is down to $15 today, Wednesday.
I must put money away for a trip this summer, but I don't know where it will come from.
I also am taking a road trip Friday with family, and I have no money but gas money right now.
If I spend it all in gas, what will I eat? Will I have the money to buy necessities?
I hope that I can make my money stretch.
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Hints and Tips Wanted,
Credit Repair,
Credit Abuser,
Spending Again,
Checkbook Hell!,
School Days
March 14th, 2008 at 12:04 am
I fell victim to the "I'm lazies"!
We had two parent teachers conferences tonight, got out sorta late, and I ordered food in. I didn't want to, but I also didn't want to cook. My kitchen hates me. I know I need to get over this. It is killing my budjet.
Posted in
Spending Again,
Checkbook Hell!,
Kitchen Overhaul (Body and Mind)
March 9th, 2008 at 05:33 pm
I was told that he was just going to do a simple oil change on my car. Now I am paying for two more parts for over $40 a piece. I wanted to pay rent. If my car breaks down and I can't work, I can't pay rent. I see his reasoning, but really, so close to the due date? I can't win.
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Hints and Tips Wanted,
Credit Repair,
Spending Again,
Checkbook Hell!,
Darling Dears
March 6th, 2008 at 06:59 pm
I strolled into my work, the main office downtown, expecting a check, or something sort of like it. I heard that the computer was down, and they don't know how long it will be.
So, why don't you have the checks printed?
They don't know.
So, since I was late on getting my check, I don't get one? WRONG!
When will I get my check?
They don't know.
What do you know?
If I was expecting any sort of real money on this check, I would be livid. I don't even think that I have hours on it.
The problem is that payroll isn't doing their job if checks were out at the beginning of the week, when I don't get one since it is Thursday.
There is no excuse, computers or not. My check should have been printed with all the others.
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Checkbook Hell!
March 2nd, 2008 at 01:56 am
I am getting my budget ready for the month. I don't know how we did it, but I figured out that with credit card payments, rent, gas, lights, phone, daycare, and basic needs like gas, cigarettes, and food.
I have gotten us to flat even. WOW!
It helped that I paid extra on credit cards last month and now my min. payment is down.
I think this site is the reason.
You are watching me. You are holding me to a common sense standard.
Thank you.
I have figured in my son's birthday, which is going to figure in a movie and popcorn. Great idea son!
I think this is going to be a good year, and it is really just starting.
If you think about it, we are going towards Christmas. I am not worried.
You are helping me and you don't even have to try!
Posted in
Hints and Tips Wanted,
Credit Repair,
Loving my budget,
Checkbook Hell!
February 27th, 2008 at 01:50 pm
Yesterday, I went to the bank.
I withdrew money from my checking account, as I want all my money to be in my saving account that I can stand.
I cannot spend more that I withdrew from the bank, as not many places will take a check anymore, and I have lost my debit card.
Thank You!!
I can no longer go out to eat, as that will take up all my money I just took out.
I also think this will help my splurge spending. I want no more of that happening.
I have to work again tonight, so I have to pay to park. That stinks, but it is only two bucks for downtown. I shouldn't ask for more.
Also, for not having my check card, I saved myself 13.00 at the grocery store, so I will add that to my challenge money. I never get to add anything.
Posted in
Credit Repair,
$20 Challenge,
Loving my budget,
Checkbook Hell!
February 20th, 2008 at 08:25 pm
Bad week for the family. My sons were sick all weekend, and then Mommy and Daddy were sick the next three days.
I will be feeling well enough to go to school tomorrow. I am upset that yesterday was my first absence. I had perfect attendence going, and now that is gone.
I also hope that nothing important happened while I was gone for two days.
Since Monday was a holiday and we don't have class on Fridays, tomorrow will be the only day I am going this week.
At least I was too sick to go anywhere and spend anything. I hear that gas went up though, and I know I will be needing to get some when I leave tomorrow.
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Checkbook Hell!
February 16th, 2008 at 07:47 pm
Leaving a little comment on another debtors blog, I began to rant at will. I did not post that long thing, but wanted to get out my words anyway.
My mom yelled at me saying that I shouldn't be living off my refund, as that is never a guarantteed thing. I told her I knew. She doesn't know that I opened a CD with half of it.
She is also making me feel like her boyfriends daughter. When she lived one state away, they always talked about what a loser she was, how good I was to be working and rasing two kids.
Now the daughter not only lives in this state, but in the other half of the double house I live in. What fun.
She has let her gas and light bills go outrageous. She had no gas heat for 6 months. Her father paid the bill. Her lights were shut off; her dad paid the bill. She got fired from her job; her dad paid her phone bill.
I got a disconect bill from the gas co. for $90.41. I was shocked. You are really gonna turn my heat off in the middle of winter, with my two kids inside. My mom went online, and paid my bill.
She made me feel like the slut next door.
I told her that, and she said there is no comparison.
I still feel bad though. I am going to college full time, working way less hours than I should, and she is a bartender at a resturant. She shouldn't have to pay for me anymore.
Not that I don't appreciate the help.
When I moved in this house, she paid the deposit. I had a months rent, but not double that. Mom said that I was her only child and that when I need her, she was there and not to pay her back.
Then when the slut moved in next door, my mom paid her deposit.
What the hell?!
Thanks for letting me vent.
Sorry I almost hijacked someones blog.
Posted in
Hints and Tips Wanted,
Credit Abuser,
Checkbook Hell!,
Darling Dears
February 5th, 2008 at 01:15 pm
We had a fight this morning. It was about money. My BD has been working and making all of the money for the last five months. Good for him. Finally. He is upset that all of his money goes to bills. I was making half what he is, paying all the bills and still found money to take care of the two childrens wants and needs.
His problem is that his past is catching up to him. He can no longer run from it. My past caught up with me after one year and now I am swimming in debt. I have some major situations that I have not devulged to this site. He is mad that I will not pay for his mistake. I am sorry, but I work two days a week, making almost half per hour as him and go to school full time. I go to and take care of all school and daycare things. He only sees the money half. I put my all into the family, not just making the paycheck.
Why must money be such a big issue?
I hate it.
Posted in
Checkbook Hell!,
Darling Dears
February 1st, 2008 at 03:53 pm
I did my e-file last night. It cost me $10.55, but it is definitely worth it. It should only take 14 days for my funds to be electronically deposited.
Woo Hoo!
I will not be just paying off my credit cards with it either. I owe my Grandma too much money. I also want to pay at least one months rent ahead. I got my job back last week, so there is more money I haven't had. I hope I make more money this year. Deer Creek will open up and I'll work every weekend.
It makes me look forward to next years tax refund.
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Checkbook Hell!
January 26th, 2008 at 02:27 pm
I don't even want to embarass myself about my taxes and how little I made last year. So I won't.
As I sit here with my Quicken 2008, I am balancing my check book. Why haven't I written down everytime I use my check card? Isn't that supposed to be an automatic? I can't help it. I save the reciepts, but that doesn't count, since when they start to crowd me, I toss them.
I will learn my lesson and get the hang of it. I hate being the adult.
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Checkbook Hell!