Home > Fighting and Money

Fighting and Money

February 5th, 2008 at 01:15 pm

We had a fight this morning. It was about money. My BD has been working and making all of the money for the last five months. Good for him. Finally. He is upset that all of his money goes to bills. I was making half what he is, paying all the bills and still found money to take care of the two childrens wants and needs.

His problem is that his past is catching up to him. He can no longer run from it. My past caught up with me after one year and now I am swimming in debt. I have some major situations that I have not devulged to this site. He is mad that I will not pay for his mistake. I am sorry, but I work two days a week, making almost half per hour as him and go to school full time. I go to and take care of all school and daycare things. He only sees the money half. I put my all into the family, not just making the paycheck.

Why must money be such a big issue?
I hate it.

3 Responses to “Fighting and Money”

  1. Broken Arrow Says:

    It sounds like he does not yet have a full grasp of his financial situation yet. Hence the disconnect and the misunderstanding. I'm glad that you are standing firm though. Perhaps you can help him realize his situation, and perhaps even help him get on the road to recovery.

    Good luck!

  2. Nic Says:

    Why must money be such an issue? Well, because we allow it to dominate our lives. Too often,we don't view it as a tool...a means to the end. The fights are symptoms of other problems and issues going on in your lives.
    List all of your debts and his and show him where his and your money goes. Then,try to think in terms of OUR money. Get him involved w/debt paying,budgeting,shopping etc.
    Get his opinion. BOTH of you have to work to solve the money problems....everything else will just fall into place after that.

  3. JanH Says:

    I think showing him the bills and the money flow is a good idea. And it is tough for you to carry all the financial stresses. I've been there.... Good luck! Hope it smoothes out for the both of you really soon.

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