Home > Let's get to balancing that checkbook

Let's get to balancing that checkbook

January 26th, 2008 at 02:27 pm

I don't even want to embarass myself about my taxes and how little I made last year. So I won't.

As I sit here with my Quicken 2008, I am balancing my check book. Why haven't I written down everytime I use my check card? Isn't that supposed to be an automatic? I can't help it. I save the reciepts, but that doesn't count, since when they start to crowd me, I toss them.

I will learn my lesson and get the hang of it. I hate being the adult.

3 Responses to “Let's get to balancing that checkbook”

  1. Ima saver Says:

    Don't be embarassed. I have been working since I was 12. The most I ever made in one year was $8000. But I learned how to save my money at a young age, and I did pretty well for myself!

  2. dardhel Says:

    Yeah, I keep the receipts till the annoy me and trash them. Otherwise with Quicken I download all my transactions every few days. That way it's still fresh in my head what I spent in case there are any charges that don't belong...

  3. Amber Says:

    I keep all my receipts sorted by month and I use MS Money. At first it use to annoy me but once you get use to entering every transaction, even cash it becomes a habit. Start out slow, maybe one day a week to enter all your transaction and then maybe two days

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