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March 24th, 2011 at 12:47 pm
I know this post isn't going to get great reviews, but I am too excited to not share.
I have huggable hangers in my closet. I bought some from HSN, the Christmas Tree Shoppe, and Target.
I am saving money, as I only buy them when on sale. But I am currently thinking about using them for my children's clothes.
In the process of ridding my closet and my finance's, I am getting rid of the others on Listia.com. I have been getting rid of the "extra" hangers, by which I mean store hangers, dry-cleaners hangers, and donated hangers, from family that lent them to me when we had none.
The reasoning for purchasing such fuzzy and thin, magnetic, wonderful hangers that cost way more than their plastic tube counterparts had nothing to do with money.
I needed to finish putting our clothes away, specifically, mine.
I would wash, dry, fold, and put away their (F, and 2 sons) clothes. But mine, the only person who works in an office and needs neatly hung clothes, would be last and I didn't want to finish the job.
I would hang them on door handles, leave them in the garage on the sorter/hanger and have to go out there to get my clean clothes. I decided that I would need incentive and I wasn't to slip up again. If you spent that much on hangers, you'd make sure that every single one was used and in its proper place.
So, I use blue for mine and silver for his. Black for the kids? but they only get a few, and only on the clothes they won't be wearing often. Just the best for my hangers!
I love them and will be using them soon, as my dryer is full and I will be needing to hang work clothes again!!
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Weighty Subjects
July 9th, 2010 at 01:44 pm
I tried to post this in the forum, but I guess I still can't post new threads.
When something sounds too good to be true, it probably is.

I am TRYING to close on a home that was purchased by a bank from a Sheriff's sale. I assumed it was a foreclosure. Now, the title company says that I can not purchase this because they have recorded that there is more land attached to it. Funny thing is that someone else says they own that land. It has the same address, is located directly behind the house, and is legally attached to the house. Why can't I get a clear title. I have to register my children for school by the 28th of this month, due to close for the second time today. This will not happen.
Any suggestions on how to fix my delima?
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June 14th, 2010 at 04:39 pm
So, my house is not coming as soon as I had hoped. Why is the housing market not trying to unload those houses they are saturated with sooner?
The mold guy is taking his sweet time in returning his report and the plumber said that he wrote the letter saying my floor drains work. The assessor valued the home at $95k, so that is good, since I am buying it for $89k.
Be patient I tell myself.
I am not a patient person and never have. Since I can't do anything until they do their thing, I will be forced to wait. I guess this gives me more time to pack and get things just right.
Looking forward to getting air and a cool basement by the middle of summer. The house has been about three degrees warmer than outside and the kids are restless. Sprinkler time is not as fun, since it is so hot when we come back inside.
We can tough it out for two more months.
We have to!
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May 19th, 2010 at 07:55 pm
I see that I did post about my study drug to see if they could make a better fat burning drug.
I lost a total of 25 pounds but did not receive the total $ I was expecting. They clearly laid out what was to be paid, but they canceled the study early. I only lost around $140. I got my last check today for $205 instead of $345.
not bad
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December 2nd, 2009 at 01:21 pm
I am about to go to my gall bladder ultrasound for my study drug. I hope it is good. I will get $1115 for the entire study at the end of eight months. I really want the $180 for today. Too bad I won't get it till next week.
That's okay. Maybe I'll get it today.
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November 30th, 2009 at 02:48 pm
With all the problems the entire world is having with their money, I haven't posted in a while as I didn't even want to think about MY finances.
I am a grownup and will face it like a woman.
So, my credit stinks, my longest open card just closed on me and won't reopen it. I have been hanging on by string, but still making it. I also have gotten a new job. My training starts after Christmas. I am excited about that.
I worked Saturday night at my current job. I hadn't worked before then since Oct. 30th. Wow!
I am not worried a bit about Christmas as we know we are not getting much. Our drawing for the adult kids is going strong again for the third year in a row. I am not worried about school either. I am certain that I will pass with flying colors. My hope that I will do better next year doesn't seem so bleak. I could be way worse off.
On a better note, i am saving with SmartyPig and my Santa savings I just opened will be mighty full by next Christmas!
I am also taking part in a drug study that will pay $1115 after 8 months. I am happy with that too. It is for a weight loss drug. So, I want to win two ways. One to lighten my load and one to fatten my savings wallet.
The sun is shining...
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October 3rd, 2009 at 01:55 pm
When I don't post, I am irresponsible with money. I did make a good decision with about $100 though. I have purchased an electric heater for our living room to keep the gas heat off for as long as possible. $88 plus tax is $96.14. When I saw the ad in the paper, I was excited. I saved for a while for something in the house that was for all of us, and I think this was a good purchase.
I am currently finishing up a paper due for my Intro to Finance class. DIP financing is not as interesting as is sounds, but I am glad that some institutions are willing to help in these tough times.
My darling children are out of school for three weeks. Their fall break comes after my school semester is just beginning. Thank goodness for moms and best friend's moms!!!
My Smarty pig account is slowly but surely getting bigger. I added a goal to help my saving of daily money and when I roll change that I collect, I add it to those accounts.
Breakfast is over and cartoons are going. I am volunteering at the church for a rummage sale today. I really don't want to buy anything there, but I am taking $5 just in case I see something we need.
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August 11th, 2009 at 08:54 pm
I made $60 at my four day yard sale. By far the worst I have ever done. I closed early on Sat. and am regretting now.
I had to work that night, so I wasn't staying open late, but we went to a birthday party and now they are accusing my son of stealing. What a bust weekend.
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July 3rd, 2009 at 12:25 pm
Well, my lease is up in October. I really want to leave this dump, but it's cheap and has a great school for my little n's. Without finding a full time job that pays at least min. wage, I can't afford to go anywhere. I say at least minimum because I could be a waitress and make a few bucks. That won't be enough.
Right now rent is cheap for the good area I'm in, but I think my family needs more. I know that we should be happy for what we have, but my 6-y-o told me that our house is too small to get away from his brother. Two bedrooms, living room, kitchen and bath. That is a really tiny place when you write it down. I guess I'm not counting everything. There's a small bathroom, smaller laundry room, and a hallway connecting the four major rooms. I found a place with three bedrooms, fenced in backyard, attached garage, with new windows and insulation. $560 to $875 is quite a jump. DH won't let us move because he is the only one really working. My job is a joke. I work one week and not for two. Since I get paid bi-weekly, it sort of doesn't pay at all. I have to drive 45 miles to get 6 or 7 hours in and then drive home at 1 in the morning, and for what? To get a paycheck for $100 twice a month? Yes. At least I have that. I have to remind myself to be thankful for what I have. Maybe I'll find a cute small house for the same amount of money in November. I'm sure that my landlord will be flexible with me. I am their best tennant.
I am happy we have a house and aren't living off our parents.
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June 16th, 2009 at 06:41 pm
Well, the children are home from school, as am I until the fall. Times are good. We are eating, Joe and I are working, and everything is right in the world.
We are struggling to make ends meet with bills, including rent, but we are still happy and healthy. So, I complain not.
I guess I am a little bummed out about canceling our bar-b-que to celebrate little league letting out. But, I have to work all this weekend.
I also am thankful for having the foresight to not spend any extra money on clothes this spring. Although my oldest can't fit the shorts I bought for Christmas, we are getting by. The cigarette man is getting more money from me, and I hate that, but I am stuck in his snare and am having a hard time letting go. I went for 4 and 1/2 days last time, giving in only because I could. The stress level was high, but I made it the other days without.
Sending my hope out to you, those who think that it can't get any worse. It will soon get better for you. Don't wait for something to happen to you. Do it for yourself.
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February 16th, 2009 at 02:35 pm
Today my city's Children's Museum is free. The boys and I are going. I thought about taking them to Chuck E Cheese, but that isn't free!
Bills are paid and I feel good. I just hate that we are going into months of suffering for my buying habits.
We are STOPPING eating fast food. We can't afford it and we are suffering the weight consequences. I guess since I am working more, I will have to freeze meals to bake by themselves so that anyone can do it.
If I fail at this, I am breaking a promise to myself. That won't be cool. I can do this!
I have faith in DH too. He can eat out at lunch at work, but for dinner, or the weekend for the children, we are to stay home and fend for ourselves. They have plenty of places to request foods for that weeks grocery list.
There's where more money will be going. I spent $120 there on Saturday night, and we have gone through about 1/4 of the food. I'll have to par down the consumption and buy only what we really NEED!!!
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January 18th, 2009 at 09:56 pm
Why oh why do I always say I will do something good with my money and then always blow it.
I can't say that I always blow it, but I do burn it up quickly.
Fast food:$38 and change at White Castle, $6 for McDonald's for one just a minute ago. $7 and change for McDonald's last night for two.
Gas spent going to these places:$.50 for the White Castle, at least. $.25 for both McDonald's.
Well, that is way to much to be throwing away.
That's only two days and three different stops.
Granted, the kid's nuggets were for quickness, but the laziness for dinner last night was all mine.
I have shamelessly posted my wares for sale on this site, as I have lost resources at my job. My schooling is doing good, but I have put a lot in my lap and now I have to put it away in proper order. My classes are getting harder now and winter is taking it's toll on us by being couped up all day and night. My children need to run. I should take them to a gym somewhere.
I am very proud of myself for not buying alcohol for two weeks straight. My cousin who lives next door wants to drink at night. I already feel guilty for not spending any time with my DS2BH, so to do that, either here or there isn't being with him. I am not going to Girlz Nite this Tuesday either. I am staying here and putting the kids to bed early.
I shall get my effects in order, since it is coming up on tax time and all. I do it as soon as I get it. My refund comes faster and it is done and out of the way.
My credit card should be arriving soon, which is cool, but my interest rate is going up. That is not cool.
To that I bid ado.
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Weighty Subjects
January 4th, 2009 at 03:48 am
I am going to start paying myself for doing chores around the house. I think I will do them more, and if I pretend really hard, I will work as hard as if I was working for someone else. I can give 110% to an employee, but myself is another story.
I will start doing this tomorrow. $1.00 per item. Yes, I am petty and will get $1.00 for sorting, $1.00 for washing, $1.00 for drying, $1.00 for folding and hanging, and $1.00 for putting it away.
That will make things around here a lot different. Where will I get this money to pay myself? I obviously can't take money out of my pocket and put it into my piggy bank. I will keep track of it like an employer would and pay myself at the end of the week. This is a great system. I just have to go to work everyday, keeping track of time and cash.
I will have to track that sort of stuff when I begin selling products at the summer street fairs. I think this year will be the easiest of all to control my self, spending, and happiness.
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December 6th, 2008 at 02:37 pm
I can remember spending $200 on a piece of exercising equipment. I never use it. I felt dumb.
I bought another piece the other day. It is a stair stepper. I spent $25 on it. I have used it 10 times this week. My kids love it too. I can do it while I watch TV. I could do the other one like that too, but I never push myself. I think I like this one better because it is small, lightweight, and easier to use. DUH!
It's supposed to hurt right. So just use both of them. I will do my best.
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Weighty Subjects
December 4th, 2008 at 03:49 pm
Girl's Nite was wonderful. It was just me and my two cousins. We talked and listened to Christmas music. Not a dime spent!
We also planned some Christmas Carolling.
I can't wait. I have a research paper to write. Wanted to let you know that I am doing good with saving. I haven't blown any budgets for Christmas yet, except for maybe food. I can make up for the splurge at the grocery by not buying any Mt. Dew next time.
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Weighty Subjects
November 17th, 2008 at 03:35 pm
I have made a list of things that we have a surplus of at home, and we don't need to buy new ones at the store.
I am trying to save, I really am, but I have weaknesses.
So, I am trying to steer clear of wish lists, online window shopping, and the like.
I am trying to be more thankful for what I do have. That is the reason for the list.
I have a list on the fridge of things we need that we run out of in the kitchen.
I do put other household items that we may need:ear cleaners, t.p., soap, etc.
We have plenty of school supplies for all three of us in school.
I will never have to buy a pen or pencil again. There are too many food storage containers. I will not buy another box of sandwich bags until I have used all other items at home to hold things in.
Holidays always bring in candy.
True that most of the Halloween candy is gone, I don't want to buy any new since they will be getting some for Christmas.
This is really more than just about saving money, it is to show my family that we have so much and should be thankful. There are those out there without a home to live in, job to go to, and car to get there in.
We have warm beds, two vehicles, food in the fridge, and each other.
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Weighty Subjects
November 14th, 2008 at 10:22 pm
I got a credit report with my score.
I am devastated. I knew it was bad, but not that bad.
My student loans aren't helping either, since they are from this January, have high balances to credit, and the like.
I believe that when my payments hit it next month, it will look a little better, but not by much.
I tried an estimator, and it said that even if I had zero balances, it's my history that is screwing me.
I will have to face the music and just pay away like I should to see my score rise in the next year or two.
I will be ready to buy a house in 2015. Maybe I can have it cleared up by then.
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November 2nd, 2008 at 07:42 pm
No more living above our means. I just ordered a part on the internet for my DS2BH's car. I can't believe things cost so much. So, as of right now, we are cutting back. Starting with Christmas, we are going to the roots of what we need. I am not going out for anything that we already have. There are school supplies in a small box table in the corner of the living room. We have meat and pantry items in the kitchen. There is nothing that we really need to have for the next three to six months. I am going to save like I have never saved before. I may spend about $8 on the Sunday paper, for the coupons. I am also thinking about having the boys make a piniata, so I will need the newspaper.
I have started a list on the side of the fridge that will have the items we NEED from the store. I have written down what we run out of, when we run out.
This way, there is no over spending at the store.
I can not imagine having a house payment, along with all the insurance a house has, along with other payments on our salaries now. I am trying to change that. I will be looking for another job soon. I want something that will make money quick. I don't want to start a career right now. I am still in school. I can start serious job hunting when I graduate.
I am trying to get us ready for the life ahead. Our children are growing up, and fast. I am looking forward to our lives together in the years to come. I don't want those years to be filled with worry about debt and money.
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October 24th, 2008 at 01:03 am
I haven't been adding my found money to my challenge. I am sorry.
I found two nickles at the Walmart after spending $195.
I found 16 cents in the washer yesterday.
I found $4 in a pair of my jeans after washing them today.
I wish I was thinking about it more when I find it. I really just stick it into my piggy bank at the end of the night, and that is when it hits me that I should post it.
Oh well.
I'm already on my way to bed now.
I'll do it tomorrow.
Find more money, post them both.
Here are three finds that are behind the times.
I did have to pull $200 out of my savings account today for a radiator for the work mule's car. I feel sorry for my DS2BH. He is working so hard, taking care of the three of us. Our boys are growing, so they are eating more. Gas went down, but that doesn't matter when it still guzzles it down.
I know it sucks to work all week and have nothing to show for it.
He wants to go in with his dad on a gun, but it won't be here, he won't use it, and it will set us back $150.
I guess he will sacrifice his new truck for it. I told him that if I could buy a new washer and dryer, I would buy him a truck. I bought the parts instead.
I hate to play the your money my money game anyway.
I have worked hard to get him to stop that anyway.
It wouldn't be fair if I started it now.
Besides, after this week, there is no more surplus money. The last of my land sale money is gone. I have paid off on credit cards, bought Christmas presents for all, and paid back my Grandma.
That was a large load off my chest.
I still owe credit cards, we will still buy more presents, and I still owe Granny, but life isn't as bad as it was.

Treasure your relationships, not your possessions.
— Anthony J. D'Angelo
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Weighty Subjects
October 21st, 2008 at 12:37 am
I finally caved in and paid for my credit reports and score.
It was only $14.95 and I will use it.
Equifax TransUnion Experian
Total Balance $6,889 $7,404 $7,908
These are the total balances for my three reports that it says I owe to my 6, 8, and 6 different accounts.
I believe that I will wait out this financial drought for at least five years before I try any serious credit moves from now on.
I didn't know my debt was this high.
I knew that some of my accounts were charged off, but this is outrageous.
I will enter the average of these numbers into my NetWorthIQ page on my sidebar.
I have been spending money again. I went to the store and shopped for things that I didn't need.
I thought I had stopped this foolish behavior. I had frozen my spending except for essentials for the home. I had to buy toilet paper and toothpaste. Shampoo and conditioner seemed to be used faster and faster.
Why now, am I blowing without remorse?
I do feel remorse. I DO! But I can't let my little relapse defer me from my goals!
I think when I laid down $313 for a washer and dryer, I could afford a couple more bucks.
That way of thinking has got to go. I have to get to work on my credit card debt.
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October 12th, 2008 at 03:01 am
I hate the fact that I only weigh myself every three months now. I used to love it, not knowing. But now, my BMI indicator on my side bar is not moving. I know that I am at least losing fat, if not weight. I do have a ton of muscle, which weighs more. But there is more than that there.
I don't weigh in until December 4th. So, if you think I am making no progress, it just isn't showing on here yet. I am pulling my pants up all the time, even when wearing a belt. I am also noticing that my bra isn't working as hard as it is used to.
In case you didn't know, your breasts are the first thing to lose mass. Way before the thighs or butt goes, the goods go. I have also noticed that my face is looking less fat. There is no nicer way to say it. I am not ashamed to say that my face is less fat than before.
I have been taking the stairs at school everyday, including the days that I wore heels too. I will start paying myself for that. It is at least worth a dollar a day to me to do it. I have been doing it for free.
Let's hope for at least 5 lbs. loss in December from what it is now.
Wish me luck!
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September 29th, 2008 at 08:18 pm
My first day of school was awesome.
I did hurt myself though. I was trying to get into my car in a parking lot where spots are small and cars are big. I ripped my earring out of my ear and lost it.
It was actually quite painful.
But besides that, I have two classes on campus and one online. My professors are both fun and talkative, which I am too.
I feel that I will have a ton of fun this quarter.
I have been stupid with my money.
I spent $158 to a stupid fitness thing online. I didn't have to spend that much to get the info that I could have gotten for free. Hell, that could have paid for a year at a gym.
Boy I feel dumb!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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September 26th, 2008 at 08:42 pm
I wonder if I should pay myself to walk and do my exercises.
I have walked 1.5 miles four days this week. Thursday I didn't because my neighbor had her grandchildren that morning.
How much would be enough for a mile?
and should I have to pay extra for when I don't walk? I wonder how long it will take for the snow to get to me and I not want to go.
So far, So good.
Next week is a real test though.
School starts at 9:30. I have been getting back from our walks at about 9:10.
Does that give me time for a shower? NO.
But, I can't start any earlier because I don't go until the boys get on the school bus.
I am going to buy a chest freezer tonight. I have waited over a year and that was my first goal on Smarty Pig.
I found one for $168 and it will suit my needs fine.
I believe with a $10 mail in rebate card, it's a good deal.
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Kitchen Overhaul (Body and Mind),
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Weighty Subjects
September 24th, 2008 at 09:09 pm
I bought an exercise machine. I spent $200 on it and my supped up pedometer. I have set a goal to use it 4 out of 7 days a week. How many times do you think I used it? Twice. Once when I built it to make sure it worked, and IT DID, and once to show my cousin how cool it was. She wanted one. I told her to use mine. Maybe then it would have been worth it.
She laughed.
I didn't.
I will use it tonight after folding laundry. I promise. I will even put my results on my weight loss page.
That will insure that I do it. I can't log on here until I do.
What motivation!
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September 24th, 2008 at 03:46 pm
Well, I haven't found any money on our daily walks, but I can tell it is helping me with my energy for the day.
I bought Christmas yesterday. I walked into Target to buy some $1 nail polish remover and spent nearly $300.00
I did buy some furniture that I will give myself, along with 75% off clearance clothing for my boys and my BFF's daughter.
I feel good about the money I spent, even if it was a little much.
I just don't have to buy much when the season comes around.
Halloween costumes are next on my list.
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September 22nd, 2008 at 06:44 pm
We told pepole that we walked 3.2 miles today and they all laughed. One person said that there is no way it is that far.
We got in the car and retraced our steps, litteraly.
It wasn't 3.2 miles.
It was only 1.4 miles exactly.
I think my pedometer was set to killometers. It had to have been. It says miles on it now, but I have reset it since then.
So, 1.4 miles in 30 minutes.
Not bad for us who are just starting out.
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Weighty Subjects
September 22nd, 2008 at 02:45 pm
Today is the day! Me and my neighbor started our walk. It took us exactly 30 minutes to walk 3.2 miles, taking 3376 steps and burning 188 calories. I am looking forward to tomorrow. Hopefully we can add to the calorie side and the step side. I am glad that it only took 30 minutes too, since I am starting my fall quarter at school next week. That will give me just enough time to get the kids off to school, walk with her, come home, take a shower, and get dressed for the day. So far so good!
My neighbor was on the ball too. She found a penny and a nickel while we were walking. She kept her money, and I found a good CD someone lost out of their car. She said something that made me laugh so hard.
She said she was going to tell her husband that she made money being a street walker with me. 6 cents isn't a lot, but is more than I found.
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