Home > Maybe I fudged a little

Maybe I fudged a little

September 22nd, 2008 at 05:44 pm

We told pepole that we walked 3.2 miles today and they all laughed. One person said that there is no way it is that far.
We got in the car and retraced our steps, litteraly.
It wasn't 3.2 miles.
It was only 1.4 miles exactly.
I think my pedometer was set to killometers. It had to have been. It says miles on it now, but I have reset it since then.
So, 1.4 miles in 30 minutes.
Not bad for us who are just starting out.

5 Responses to “Maybe I fudged a little”

  1. nanda603 Says:

    Good for you!! A walk is a walk. Any movement is beneficial. When you start out, it's more important to track the time instead of the distance anyway.

  2. greengirl Says:

    that's great! i do a 2k walk after work every day and then 15 minutes (about 2.6k) on my exercise bike when i get home.

  3. debtfreeme Says:

    That is still great! The important thing is that you did it! you'll be up to 3 miles in no time!

  4. sillyoleme Says:

    Good job! Back when I was good about exercising... I would start out and jog as far as I could, remembering the spot that I stopped at and started walking. The next day, I just tried to make it to that spot, or a step further. It really helped my mentality to know that I COULD do it, since I had already done it before.

  5. Cheryl Says:

    Good Job! I just started working out again after having a baby--it is so hard to get back into it again.

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