Home > Here we go!

Here we go!

September 22nd, 2008 at 01:45 pm

Today is the day! Me and my neighbor started our walk. It took us exactly 30 minutes to walk 3.2 miles, taking 3376 steps and burning 188 calories. I am looking forward to tomorrow. Hopefully we can add to the calorie side and the step side. I am glad that it only took 30 minutes too, since I am starting my fall quarter at school next week. That will give me just enough time to get the kids off to school, walk with her, come home, take a shower, and get dressed for the day. So far so good!

My neighbor was on the ball too. She found a penny and a nickel while we were walking. She kept her money, and I found a good CD someone lost out of their car. She said something that made me laugh so hard.
She said she was going to tell her husband that she made money being a street walker with me. 6 cents isn't a lot, but is more than I found.

3 Responses to “Here we go!”

  1. debtfreeme Says:

    wow 10 minute miles, and you gus are walking? that is really a fast pace.

  2. HELPmeFriend Says:

    It didn't seem that long to me at all. We were not huffing or puffing, and we both smoke.

  3. debtfreeme Says:

    That is amazing. For me that same pace is a light jog.

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