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August 6th, 2011 at 03:34 am
So, since quitting, I have made plans to have a garage sale at the end of this month to keep from going in the red too quickly.
Our wedding is in November, only three months away, and one month ahead of the holidays.
I made a promise to my son that if he received nothing but good remarks from school for the first semester, he would receive an X-Box for Christmas.
I know this seems extreme to some, but if he goes 90 school days without getting in trouble ONCE, then he deserves it!!!
I will be working extra at my security job I have had since 2006, so we aren't in dire straits.
The State Fair is here today and I will be working at my job I quit for one more week.
The people I am training to take over are in awe of the crap that I have been dealing with over the last almost full year and don't know how they will do it.
I said to ask the boss if they didn't know where something went, such as checks written with no reason, and they knew that he would lie or make up a reason before even asking.
That's why I am leaving.
I hope the kids school year does well, that our wedding goes off without a hitch (pun intended), and the year finishes as well as it started.
I bought four dollars in scratch off tickets and won $20. I think I'll be starting up with the challenge again. I find change constantly and never add it up. I will again be doing this. 
Great to be back and doing so well!
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August 31st, 2009 at 06:34 am
Well, working the last two nights instead of three took some hours, but I did pocket some change off the ground last night, so I think I made out.
I forgot I got a raise and have earned an extra $.50 an hour more. Tonight I earned $48.88 before taxes. Last night I made the same so I get $97.76! Woo Hoo
Also, I picked up so much change off the ground that I couldn't fit it all into my change purse. COOL
I am sort of nervous about my call tomorrow on the Dave Ramsey show. Should I be getting a lot of info ready to go in case he asks me? How do I keep from babbling or sounding foolish? You know what is really foolish? I am holding on to two of those $1 a day movies and I haven't even watched one. I will do it tomorrow and take them back. That goes on my to do list. As well as getting my check, taking it to the bank, and paying on the light and gas bills! Go me, pay the bills, it's your birthday!
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August 26th, 2009 at 09:14 pm
Actually, I found three. Two in front of the CVS doors, one by the gas pump, next to a used Mentos that I did not take and one dime at work on the sidewalk.
All and all it was a good night. I only worked five hours, but it's better than nothing.
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$20 Challenge,
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August 21st, 2009 at 05:55 am
Went to work tonight. Made $59.50 before taxes. Picked up $.20 change tonight but had some REALLY STIFF competition. There was a police officer who would pick it up right after the person dropped it. Why would you be so rude. If they are standing right there, give it to them. But he was really petty about it. A penny fell and he actually went under my feet to get it. I told him next time, I would step on his fingers. There was another penny, and I think he believed my threat because he didn't dive bomb after it. I stood on it and he waited right next to me waiting for me to move for 30 minutes. I figured he was really hard up for money. Anyway, that gave me something to talk about. I still found 1/5 a dollar.
Found money is a wonderful thing.
Counting money jar balance:$9.13
Total now:$9.38
Something's wrong with my counter!!!!!
Oh, I went back to college. I signed up Tuesday and go the end of September. Wonder what classes I'll have and what books I have to buy.
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$20 Challenge,
School Days,
Growing my Savings,
Take this job and ...
August 16th, 2009 at 05:14 pm
I went to work and bought dinner from the roach coach, but that was about it. We received free tickets for a pre-season football game, spending nothing there. And today, I am making pork chops that we have had in the freezer and plan on spending nothing today too!!!!!
That's a lot for me!
Found $.70 at work on the ground too. Don't ask me what my balance is, I don't think I have one. Right now my counting money jar says $8.86 in change on my desk. Way to go me!
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Money Management
August 7th, 2009 at 04:26 am
Someone took my signs down last night. I know they were taken down and not blown off because they were on there good and there was no sign of it to be found.
So, I put new ones up. Can't get me down that easy. While I was putting a new one up, someone asked me where it was and stopped by. Thanks people! I'm feeling the love from strangers as I tell them that things are $1 and 50 cents. Take it out and give me peace. Too much stuff is probably how I ended up in this no money business in the first place. So far, there is $21.75 to put into Smartypig. I can't wait to see what tomorrow brings!
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$20 Challenge,
Loving my budget,
Growing my Savings,
Money Management
August 6th, 2009 at 05:02 am
I am selling my children's clothes and my useless crap! Dirt cheep prices will move the stuff, I hope. I have advertised craigslist.org and put 10 signs on corners around my street. I only plan on having a break when my mom shows up for a minute and on Friday when my kids are out of school.
My oldest boy will stay here with me and help out. He wants to sell his stuff. Awesome buddy. Help the family out. I will automatically put all the funds received from the sale smartypig.com account.
My mom gave me money for my kid's school pictures that they are taking tomorrow. Thanks, Mom!
I only need to get some change at the bank on the corner, a little cooler of water for my hot day tomorrow and pray for no overnight rain. I hate when I leave things outside as it is, but if they get rained on, I my be discouraged.
I hope that when we make some money the kids focus on me putting it away instead of spending it right away. I will let them keep the money from their toy sales, but encourage them to save it until they have $20 to put into their accounts at the bank.

I have managed to keep a small chunk of change, and I do mean change, in their accounts. I am not expecting to make more than $100 all weekend and so they should get what their stuff brings. They can see their account balance and I need to get them into the recording of the deposits. I will get a recorder book from the bank for them.
Wish me well on my money making endeavor. I only need a little shove, not a push over the edge!
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Kitchen Overhaul (Body and Mind),
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Money Management
July 24th, 2009 at 01:26 pm
Last night was good for me. I found 28 cents and I earned $56 (before taxes). So, I guess I have something to put into the bank now. I also scored a bottle of Jose' that I will be using tonight at work. I am not working, so it will be good. Can't party too much though. Saturday is an all day festival show. Yeah!
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$20 Challenge,
Take this job and ...
October 24th, 2008 at 01:03 am
I haven't been adding my found money to my challenge. I am sorry.
I found two nickles at the Walmart after spending $195.
I found 16 cents in the washer yesterday.
I found $4 in a pair of my jeans after washing them today.
I wish I was thinking about it more when I find it. I really just stick it into my piggy bank at the end of the night, and that is when it hits me that I should post it.
Oh well.
I'm already on my way to bed now.
I'll do it tomorrow.
Find more money, post them both.
Here are three finds that are behind the times.
I did have to pull $200 out of my savings account today for a radiator for the work mule's car. I feel sorry for my DS2BH. He is working so hard, taking care of the three of us. Our boys are growing, so they are eating more. Gas went down, but that doesn't matter when it still guzzles it down.
I know it sucks to work all week and have nothing to show for it.
He wants to go in with his dad on a gun, but it won't be here, he won't use it, and it will set us back $150.
I guess he will sacrifice his new truck for it. I told him that if I could buy a new washer and dryer, I would buy him a truck. I bought the parts instead.
I hate to play the your money my money game anyway.
I have worked hard to get him to stop that anyway.
It wouldn't be fair if I started it now.
Besides, after this week, there is no more surplus money. The last of my land sale money is gone. I have paid off on credit cards, bought Christmas presents for all, and paid back my Grandma.
That was a large load off my chest.
I still owe credit cards, we will still buy more presents, and I still owe Granny, but life isn't as bad as it was.

Treasure your relationships, not your possessions.
— Anthony J. D'Angelo
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$20 Challenge,
Credit Abuser,
Spending Again,
Checkbook Hell!,
Darling Dears,
Kitchen Overhaul (Body and Mind),
Growing my Savings,
Money Management,
Weighty Subjects
October 9th, 2008 at 08:48 pm
I found a penny on the sidewalk when I left for school, and I found a penny at school on the ground.
Lucky me!
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$20 Challenge,
School Days
October 8th, 2008 at 12:52 pm
My washer broke again. DS2BH wants to weld something on to it so that it won't come apart again.
Why can't I buy a sensibly priced economic and enviromently friendly product and use it.
I believe that my washer is not saving as much water as it could.
I should buy a set and just suprise him when he gets home.
Don't you think he would be mad?
Technically it's not his money I would be spending, but I would be asking for money for the bills soon enough.
Why should I have to suffer with 10-year-old hand-me-down set of appliances from his mom?
I want new ones!
I need new ones!
The money that it will save us on our utility bills alone is the reason I want to buy them. I still think that we should consider a new one.
I did find some money in the last load that broke the washer's back. It was a dime.
That's the only reason I do laundry anymore.
Add that to the Challenge!
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$20 Challenge,
Checkbook Hell!,
Darling Dears,
Kitchen Overhaul (Body and Mind)
October 7th, 2008 at 09:12 pm
Do you know what you have to do to get allowance? You have to do chores.
Sure, but you have to clean the whole bathroom.
I delayed the cleaning as long as I could. I was fearing the mess I would have to clean up after my six-year-old cleaned the bathroom.
What was I thinking?
I let him start with the floor. First, pick up everything off of the floor. Take the trash out of the cans, clean the cans, and let them dry. Sweep and hand mop the floor.
Sounds good, right?
He did pick up everything, carrying the rugs outside to hang on the porch. I washed them and hung them out to dry so that he thought he carried them out himself and had to get them and put them back.
I didn't let him clean the trash can. That would be mean.
I made sure that the floor was dry, even if it does need mopped again. He then put the rugs back and wanted to move straight into the toilet.
I told him another day. Here is two bucks for the floor. If you earn $2 for every job in the bathroom:sink, floor, toilet, tub, and closet, you will get your $10 total.
He wants to do the inside of the toilet now, since it has been a couple of days.
I told him that the sink is next. I have let him clean the tub before. No shoes and very little spray, since that is the fun thing. I am glad that Clorox came out with green sprays. I still don't want him to spray his eyes, but he is bigger than that.
I told him that he could earn a quarter for every load of clothes he folds, and puts away. I only let him put his and his brothers clothes away.
I hang most of my things and he doesn't like hangers.
He wants a dollar. He is too old for coins now. I told him he has three more loads to fold. I may use this to my advantage. He is definately old enough to vacuum, and I have little bro dusting the living room, pretty much daily.
How old do they have to be to mow the lawn?
If I didn't care about the condition of my clean dishes, I would let them wash those. They do splash a lot though.
Now you see my problem with him cleaning the inside of the toilet.
Add $.01 to my son's $20 challenge. He was doing laundry and found a penny lying on the floor next to the dryer. I only find money in the machines.
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Hints and Tips Wanted,
$20 Challenge,
Darling Dears
October 6th, 2008 at 06:59 pm
I tried to not spend any money today.
I took a banana and crackers for a snack at school. I ate them between classes and was satisfied, until I got home. After picking the kids up at the babysitters, and she said that they already ate lunch, I was hungry. I tried to come home and eat a bowl of cereal. I just couldn't do it.
I drove to Subway. I don't like their $5 foot longs, I want what I want.
I spent $6 for my sandwich and cookies.
I walked outside, found a quarter on the ground, and decided that I had to come here, to find the money on the ground.
$112.40 Balance for $20 Challenge
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$20 Challenge,
Spending Again,
School Days,
Kitchen Overhaul (Body and Mind),
Money Management
October 1st, 2008 at 07:49 pm
I called and cancelled my fitness thing in time and they said they could give me a full refund.
I also have been doing my extra payments on two credit cards.
Today I called and asked for some help on one, she gave me a deal.
"If you pay $29.00 today, I can put a credit for an over-the-limit-fee of $29.00."
"So it would count as a $58.00 payment?"
"Yes, but I have to add the $7.95 pay-over-the-phone fee."
Well, some help is better than none I guess.
I also mailed off an extra $10 to my other credit card.
By January, I should be all caught up.
I need to pay off:$312.49 on one and $502.83 on another by January 09.
I am also saving up for rent, school fees, and the like. I hope I can do it. If I would quit spending like a fool, I probably could.
I believe I will count that $29.00 she credited me to my $20 Challenge balance. That will raise it up a bit.
$83.15 Previous Challenge total
+$29.00 Add this money I "found"
$112.15 New total for Challenge since June 08
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Credit Repair,
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Spending Again,
Checkbook Hell!,
School Days,
Growing my Savings,
Money Management
October 1st, 2008 at 12:59 pm
The Laundry Fairy loves me. She has stolen money from me before, but she always gives it back. Strange thing is that she makes change.
$82.95 Challenge total
+$.20 Found money in the washer
$83.15 Challenge total since June 08
Posted in
$20 Challenge
September 21st, 2008 at 10:36 pm
Add some money to my $20 challenge balance!
$.20 found while drinking with my cousin last night. It was my DS2BH's birthday Saturday.
$82.95 balance since June of 08
Posted in
$20 Challenge,
Darling Dears,
Growing my Savings
September 19th, 2008 at 09:01 pm
I won a game of Mahjong today!
Add another dollar to my $20 challenge money.
$83.55 total for $20 challenge since June
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$20 Challenge,
Growing my Savings
September 19th, 2008 at 07:15 pm
I found two nickels and one dime in the washer today. Woo Hoo.
That is my payment for doing everyone elses stuff before my own. I wouldn't have found money out of my clothes.
$82.55 Total for my $20 Challenge
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$20 Challenge
September 18th, 2008 at 08:46 pm
I went to my mom's today since she had stuff to show me on her computer.
I was leaving her house and on her step, under some bushy flowers, laid a dime.
Now, I didn't say my lucky phrase, but something much more mean.
When I received my check from land, I knew I wouldn't be on easy street, but that it would help. Now that I have dug myself out of the hole, I am tottering on the edge.
I reached out to that dime and said "Dime, I found it, it's mine!"
That's a little different from usual. I realized that I do need every dime I can get and I will stop at nothing to save every found cent!
$82.35 $20 challenge total from June 2008
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$20 Challenge,
Growing my Savings
September 17th, 2008 at 10:35 pm
I finally played a game of mah jong!
I won of course, so I will take a page from IMA and count it towards my Challenge total. I believe it is a dollar a game when you win, is that right?
I will put it in the bank tomorrow.
Previous $20 Challenge total:
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$20 Challenge
September 12th, 2008 at 08:22 pm
I found a penny on the ground and said out loud, "It's my lucky day!"
I was in the parking lot, getting the boys in the car, and found money.
It's just that easy folks.
You find money, you feel good, and you say it out loud.
Challenge Balance
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$20 Challenge
September 8th, 2008 at 04:06 pm
This is my new total for my savings account at my bank!
Add $.05 for my Challenge money in the Laundry Fairy category.
Add over $10,000 in my checking account for property sold on Friday!
And I think I am good. I was excited when I found that nickel too!
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Growing my Savings,
Money Management
September 2nd, 2008 at 04:52 pm
I sold two more textbooks this weekend.
I am selling some for my aunt and friends too. They will get their money of course, but I have made almost $250 in four days.
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$20 Challenge,
School Days
August 26th, 2008 at 05:02 pm
I thought I sold my land already. The closing is apparently not until September 5th. That date is not set in stone. I was told that the check would be written and sent out that very same day.
I could be swimming soon.
I will not blow this money!!!!!!!!
I will save most of it, as it is over $10,000.
I will have the will power to stop myself from spending it on things that I don't NEED!
My car has been needing some repair for some time. Of course I bought an obsolute car that no one carries parts for, that's its defining characteristic!
I will be pre-paying for my youngest's tuition at Kindergarden, but that is about it. I am sacking away a large portion in some form of savings, probably my Smarty Pig plan.
You can deposit up to $10,000 at one time. How convinent for me, HUH?
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Credit Repair,
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Growing my Savings,
Money Management
August 19th, 2008 at 07:22 pm
I have given up on waiting in line to pick up my paycheck.
I am starting to go on Tuesdays to pick it up.
I found a nickel on the ground when I walked outside of the office.
I am glad I waited another day.
I am posting my findings in my $20 challenge!
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August 18th, 2008 at 04:09 pm
Add my money I found to the $20 challenge!
$3.62 found in change on the ground and
$7 found in the trash!
That's $10.62 closer to being financially stable.
Posted in
$20 Challenge,
Growing my Savings,
Money Management
August 14th, 2008 at 04:01 pm
Too Much Debt Thursday has come. I have faced up to the fact that I made some stupid purchases on my credit cards and was dumb to max them out so soon.
I have learned from my mistake and am now crawling out of the hole that I dug myself.
I no longer go to the salon and get my nails done.
I haven't dyed my hair in a few months, so that saved me $10.
I don't buy junk at the store, but real food that has to be cooked.
I don't go to the dollar store and browse.
I have tried real hard to control my spending habits and listen to advice given to me.
Dave Ramsey said it best when he said:You can read all the books and learn all about how to do it, but until you do, you're gonna get no where.
That isn't an exact quote but you get the jist of it.
I was reading every book the library had on credit repair, debt management, and how to save money when you have none, but nothing was happening. I was learning how but not following through.
Saving with Smarty Pig has made me feel that I can do it. I have gotten 55% of my goal on there now and it feels great. Watching my interest go up and up is a good feeling instead of focusing on bad interest that I wasn't paying back.
People say, it costs you more to save and not pay on your credit cards, but it makes me feel good to have something to fall back on, even if it is $250.
I will focus on paying $5 to every credit card I have today. Seven total bills of $5 is only $35 total. I can handle that. I will also pay off my water bill that is OUTRAGEOUS!!!!!!!
Majorly overdue is taking back the equipment that the cable company wants back. I need to take it to the other side of town.
We are thinking about having just regular cable coming out of the wall.
Right now, we don't need anything, but come February, we will need digital.
Off to make my payments!
P.S. Add three cents to my $20 challenge for money found on the ground. One at work, one outside my Mom's house, and one at the gas station as I was walking in to pay. Woo Hoo!
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Credit Repair,
$20 Challenge,
Loving my budget,
Growing my Savings,
Money Management
August 7th, 2008 at 06:24 pm
$.14 found in laundry
$.02 found leaving gas station
I just keep finding money.
It is an obsession with me now.
I look at the ground everywhere I go.
I guess this is how I will fund my retirement! HA!
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$20 Challenge
August 5th, 2008 at 04:28 pm
$1.39-work last night
Also, since I have no internet at home, I haven't been faithfully posting my Challenge Money. I rolled up $6.00 in change so I will add both to my total.
$7.39 in change added to total
+$1.73 previous August total
$9.12 total for August
Posted in
$20 Challenge
August 4th, 2008 at 02:55 pm
Add $1.73 to my challenge money.
I have been working a lot lately and I found some change on the ground last night.
It helps that I tell everyone to empty their pockets right in front of me too.
I would not pick up money that someone dropped in front of me that wanted it.
I would help them pick it up and give it to them.
I pick up the change that no one else has grabbed when there are no people and I am not busy.
Posted in
$20 Challenge,
Growing my Savings,
Take this job and ...