Home > Make that money

Make that money

August 7th, 2009 at 03:26 am

Someone took my signs down last night. I know they were taken down and not blown off because they were on there good and there was no sign of it to be found.
So, I put new ones up. Can't get me down that easy. While I was putting a new one up, someone asked me where it was and stopped by. Thanks people! I'm feeling the love from strangers as I tell them that things are $1 and 50 cents. Take it out and give me peace. Too much stuff is probably how I ended up in this no money business in the first place. So far, there is $21.75 to put into Smartypig. I can't wait to see what tomorrow brings!

3 Responses to “Make that money”

  1. ktmarvels Says:

    Good luck! I know when we had a garage sale the police took the signs down cause it was actually illegal to post them on the light posts. Oops. Smile

  2. Jerry Says:

    I can't believe that people are that rude, but that leads me to recall a similar problem with people removing our rental postings on Craigslist. They would report them as "offensive" (they weren't) which would lead them to be removed. There is just no insurance that people will act with any manners or ethics any more, alas.

  3. HELPmeFriend Says:

    Ours are legal for the weekend. You can only have signs out on posts or not on the weekend. Why would they take my yard sale and not the "we buy crappy houses" signs?

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