Home > That's why I like the laundry

That's why I like the laundry

October 8th, 2008 at 11:52 am

My washer broke again. DS2BH wants to weld something on to it so that it won't come apart again.
Why can't I buy a sensibly priced economic and enviromently friendly product and use it.
I believe that my washer is not saving as much water as it could.

I should buy a set and just suprise him when he gets home.

Don't you think he would be mad?
Technically it's not his money I would be spending, but I would be asking for money for the bills soon enough.

Why should I have to suffer with 10-year-old hand-me-down set of appliances from his mom?

I want new ones!
I need new ones!
The money that it will save us on our utility bills alone is the reason I want to buy them. I still think that we should consider a new one.

I did find some money in the last load that broke the washer's back. It was a dime.
That's the only reason I do laundry anymore.
Add that to the Challenge!

6 Responses to “That's why I like the laundry”

  1. creditcardfree Says:

    I would want new ones, too! However, do not just buy them without discussing...that just leads to more problems. Sounds like you need to come up with a compromise or deadline for a new set. Something like, try the weld for X months...if it continues to work without further problems keep the set. If there are problems at anytime with in the X go buy a new set. Good luck!!

  2. toyguy1963 Says:

    My nephew fixed my washer when it broke recently. Its about 16 years old I think. I'm holding on to it as long as it still runs.

  3. mom-from-missouri Says:

    Check out free cycle or craigslist. You sometimes see people giving away free ones that work.

  4. Joan.of.the.Arch Says:

    If you do replace the washer, don't just automatically replace the dryer. You may think of them as a set, but they are really separate appliances....Hey, I just asked your magic 8 ball if you should get a new washer and it said, "TRY L8R."

  5. creditcardfree Says:

    When I asked the 8 ball, it said "TRY L8R", too. I think that's a sign, but maybe you could ask it yourself!

  6. HELPmeFind Says:

    My washer isn't the worst problem. My dryer has been dying for a while too. It takes three cycles for one load to dry. I have tried lessening the load, and that doesn't help. I have learned to hang my towels, but my clothes line keeps breaking. I didn't think that I had enough line to rehang it, after all the knots and such.
    I am not trying to sound uppity when I say that I want a matching pair. I will be happy if they are both white. But, I also need to have some super capacity ones, preferably a good name brand, but by no means matchy matchy. I can't have a washer that is large and a dryer that works slower than the one it is replacing.

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