Viewing the 'Hints and Tips Wanted' Category
March 2nd, 2008 at 02:29 am
I will be trying the new method that I started last week.
I will withdraw an amount every week and when the money is gone, it is gone. I don't count every expense to this. A weekly payment to daycare doesn't count, as that is fixed. Also, I won't be counting the utilities, but defintely the gas, cigarettes, and phone bill.
My phone bill is outrageous!
I have budgeted for the next three months, but then am thinking about cutting down.
I have gotten a little obsessed with this budget thing.
I counted my Sunday breakfast with a coupon, and every other penny spent for the next two weeks.
Well, I guess it's better late than never right?
I hope so.
Posted in
Hints and Tips Wanted,
Credit Repair,
Spending Again,
Loving my budget
March 2nd, 2008 at 01:56 am
I am getting my budget ready for the month. I don't know how we did it, but I figured out that with credit card payments, rent, gas, lights, phone, daycare, and basic needs like gas, cigarettes, and food.
I have gotten us to flat even. WOW!
It helped that I paid extra on credit cards last month and now my min. payment is down.
I think this site is the reason.
You are watching me. You are holding me to a common sense standard.
Thank you.
I have figured in my son's birthday, which is going to figure in a movie and popcorn. Great idea son!
I think this is going to be a good year, and it is really just starting.
If you think about it, we are going towards Christmas. I am not worried.
You are helping me and you don't even have to try!
Posted in
Hints and Tips Wanted,
Credit Repair,
Loving my budget,
Checkbook Hell!
February 29th, 2008 at 05:07 pm
The end of March is my youngest son's 5th birthday. We will be having another small party at home. This time, the party will be even cheaper, as we will have a movie and popcorn for snack. After cake and presents, there will be a few games, or I could just hand out gift bags. Also, the time for the party will be later, so that maybe we could have a sleepover for family who wants to stay. I plan on asking at least one person to stay, which I don't see a problem with.
Also, I don't forsee anyone coming to this party who did not come to the last one. I invited several more people to come who didn't. My mom said to not let my feelings get hurt. They aren't. We didn't have room for all those people in my house in the first place. So I anticipate a great party this time too!
Posted in
Hints and Tips Wanted,
Loving my budget,
Darling Dears
February 28th, 2008 at 05:02 pm
I will be meeting with my group at school tomorrow, and will be bringing a lunch. I will get here at 10 a.m. so I will be hungry in the middle. I also can't justify buying food from a machine that I could have gotten from the grocery at more than half price for more food. If they get hungry and want to go to a fast food joint, be my guest, but I will be here when you get back after eating something more enjoyable for a fraction of the price.
$1.00 goes to the $20 challenge for not being able to buy my milk at school today. It makes me mad when they don't work, but I cuss them since they take so much money. $1.25 for a pop is high.
I will not use them again.
Posted in
Hints and Tips Wanted,
$20 Challenge,
Loving my budget,
School Days
February 18th, 2008 at 03:48 pm
Yesterday was a no spend day. If I wasn't out of milk, today would be too.
Since the laundry is getting caught up, the dishes get their turn. My youngest likes to dry.
I will let the oldest vacuum his room as well as the hallway.
I am making preping for his birthday part of his responsibilities. He must make sure that everything in his room is ready for guests. I will take care of the kitchen, bath, and my room. The living room has been everyone's responsibility. I yell at Daddy for tossing dirty socks on the floor. I am guilty for leaving my shoes everywhere, but we have too many and I need to lessen them.
How much would you suggest that I give myself for the $20 challenge? I used no gas, didn't buy cigs, and did not buy dinner out. We made pizza.
Whatever makes them want to eat, like letting them help make it, works for me.
I am also saving gas heat money, as I was close to disconnect not so long ago.
Posted in
Hints and Tips Wanted,
$20 Challenge,
Loving my budget,
Darling Dears
February 17th, 2008 at 10:54 pm

Since we have an extra day off from school, me and the boys plan on doing all laundry tomorrow. We have a birthday party here next Sunday. That leaves us one week to prepare our tiny home for 25 people. I think if I have all the laundry done, the dishes and basic pick up will be less daunting. There won't be any dirty socks to move around. My two closest cousions said that they will come over to help me, so that also takes a little more stress off me.
This will be the second party I have had here at home. My house was a disaster area, when I was a spend-a-holic. I bought stuff just to buy and my house was packed with junk. I had cleaned it up and threw a Super Bowl party for my best friend, her husband, and their new baby. I didn't have to worry about her picking up and eating something dangerous as my floor was clear and empty.
Yeah me!
Now the children are cleaning their room in preporation for next Sunday, and they are being such good helpers for Mommy.
The dishes are not piled in the sink, there are no towels on the bathroom floor, and I am more peaceful.
They have already learned that "If Momma ain't happy, ain't nobody happy."
I guess this will move me to using all of my laundry soaps up and I will be able to get more. For some reason, I have grown to love to buy things that I know I will use. I think it is because I made a rule about buying things that I do not need.
If it is not needed for living, I can not buy it.
So now I buy three things of laundry soap, new sponges for dish washing, and bathroom cleaners instead of crap.
I know that I will need it, so it is not just blowing money.
Posted in
Hints and Tips Wanted,
Loving my budget,
Darling Dears
February 16th, 2008 at 07:47 pm
Leaving a little comment on another debtors blog, I began to rant at will. I did not post that long thing, but wanted to get out my words anyway.
My mom yelled at me saying that I shouldn't be living off my refund, as that is never a guarantteed thing. I told her I knew. She doesn't know that I opened a CD with half of it.
She is also making me feel like her boyfriends daughter. When she lived one state away, they always talked about what a loser she was, how good I was to be working and rasing two kids.
Now the daughter not only lives in this state, but in the other half of the double house I live in. What fun.
She has let her gas and light bills go outrageous. She had no gas heat for 6 months. Her father paid the bill. Her lights were shut off; her dad paid the bill. She got fired from her job; her dad paid her phone bill.
I got a disconect bill from the gas co. for $90.41. I was shocked. You are really gonna turn my heat off in the middle of winter, with my two kids inside. My mom went online, and paid my bill.
She made me feel like the slut next door.
I told her that, and she said there is no comparison.
I still feel bad though. I am going to college full time, working way less hours than I should, and she is a bartender at a resturant. She shouldn't have to pay for me anymore.
Not that I don't appreciate the help.
When I moved in this house, she paid the deposit. I had a months rent, but not double that. Mom said that I was her only child and that when I need her, she was there and not to pay her back.
Then when the slut moved in next door, my mom paid her deposit.
What the hell?!
Thanks for letting me vent.
Sorry I almost hijacked someones blog.
Posted in
Hints and Tips Wanted,
Credit Abuser,
Checkbook Hell!,
Darling Dears
February 14th, 2008 at 01:50 am
This is my first quarter into college. I started back at the age of 25 knowing that all that I had learned in high school was semi-fresh. I am earning an A in all of my classes, and my mid term tests will be a breeze. I did want to be in school with my children, one is starting in first grade, the other kindergarden. I feel it will help disipline all of us to sit down and do our homework. I do wish I had more time to work to make some money, but really, by schedule is more hectic at night when I need to be working, not during the day. I can't blame school.
Of course, since these are the beginning courses, they are bound to be easy. I don't want to get a false sense of security. I know I am doing well now, but what happenes when I have to take accounting and other advances classes?
I will do great, that's what!!
Posted in
Hints and Tips Wanted,
School Days
February 2nd, 2008 at 04:22 pm
Days added to your life:1 month, 11 days, 19 hours/0years
How does this make me want to stop smoking? Only one month added to my life. What if my hypothetical bus comes by the next day and flattens me?
I checked out a site about quitting smoking and it said that I will save almost $1,000 a year, but only adds a month and a half to my life.
The money thing makes me want to quit more.
Posted in
Hints and Tips Wanted
January 21st, 2008 at 05:50 pm
I have always filled out budget forms with my own figures for income, rent payments, and credit card debt. HOW DO I MAKE THE WAY I SPEND MY MONEY THE SAME AS WHAT I WRITE DOWN? I put that I only spend $30.00 on tobacco and alcohol, but how do I keep from going over? I only buy cigarettes at the cheapest place, usually CVS, and don't go to bars to drink. I usually hit the liquor store on the way home on Friday. But if I limit myself, I feel that these "fun" things makes them less fun.
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Hints and Tips Wanted
January 21st, 2008 at 04:23 pm
I joined this group for help with my spending, saving, and debt problem. There are several knowledgeable people on this site, and I look forward to their hints, tips, and advise.
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Hints and Tips Wanted