Home > If I quit smoking...

If I quit smoking...

February 2nd, 2008 at 04:22 pm

Days added to your life:1 month, 11 days, 19 hours/0years

How does this make me want to stop smoking? Only one month added to my life. What if my hypothetical bus comes by the next day and flattens me?
I checked out a site about quitting smoking and it said that I will save almost $1,000 a year, but only adds a month and a half to my life.
The money thing makes me want to quit more.

12 Responses to “If I quit smoking...”

  1. mom-sense Says:

    However, think about the health of your children and how the elimination of second hand smoke from their environment will improve their overall quality of life! far more important than money!

  2. HelpMeFriend Says:

    I never smoke around my kids. We go outside, and never smoke in the car with them.

  3. nance Says:

    Focus on that thousand a year, and multiply it by the next fifty or sixty years.

  4. boomeyers Says:

    Please say "When I quit smoking" and not "If I quit smoking". I quit about 6 years ago and it is WONDERFUL! You feel so much better! And don't think your kids don't notice the smell on you - its gross. You probably don't notice it as much, because your sense of smell has been shot from the poison you are inhaling (do I sound like an ex smoker?) BUT you will really notice the differnce when you quit! The older your kids get, the less they respect you. You have to let them know this is an ADDICTION that you are helpless to it. They will go to school and learn about how bad smoking is for you and get angry and frustrated because YOU won't stop doing something that is so BAD for you! Just think, one month more to spend with your family. Hmmmm, worth it to me!!

  5. Sallyr70 Says:

    Yes, but what about quality of life? Most of the long-time smokers I know have so many health problems and don't have the energy to get around and enjoy life. Also, your kids and future grandkids would certainly appreciate an extra month and 11 days with you Smile

    hey, if the money alone can motivate you, go for it!

  6. Joan.of.the.Arch Says:

    You're making me think about my sister who smokes. She was always so much prettier than me, but I don't know if she realizes that she now looks about ten years older than me, though she is only a 15 months older. I don't know if she knows her voice started developing a slight raspiness about 15 years ago. I don't know if she can see that she has started to hold her shoulders just a little bit higher, a posture which I recognize as a hallmark of emphysema --raising the shoulders expands the upper lobes of the lungs a bit. I don't know if she realizes that that the worst lines her face has developed are the ones around her mouth.

    She does know, in theory, what is ahead for her, but I don't really think she sees that it has already started.

    My sister is 25 years older than you. I kind of think that when she was 25 like you, that she would have figured that she would have quit long before age fifty. I'm sure she intended to quit.

    You have lots of time to quit, but you also have lots of time for the damage to just slowly accumulate. It isn't all cancer, you know. There are lots of other effects.

  7. HelpMeFriend Says:

    I know about the effects taking time to sneak up on you. I never coughed, now I do. I have always had a deep voice, now I can't control how low I speak. I have the wrinkles around my lips from sucking the stick.

  8. compulsive debtor Says:

    Think about this: do you really want your kids to watch you die a slow painful death from lung cancer? I watched my father die of lung cancer and it is was not pretty.

  9. dtjunkie Says:

    Quit for yourself. Just so you can prove to yourself and no one else, that you have control and not the substance. Dare yourself to quit for 6 mos., if after six mos. you want to pick it up again, well hey, it's your life. At least you'll know who is really behind the wheel of your addiction.

  10. Nic Says:

    I quit in 1994 and NEVER looked back. Food tastes better...your sense of smell don't stink. And, even if people don't smoke indoors or in their car, the stench follows them. Your health returns in no time and the money saved is a terrific bonus.
    Be a role model and hero to your children,quit ASAP.

  11. reflectionite Says:

    if you want to quit, you'll quit. making excuses such as the hypothetical bus flattening you is only reinforcing your decision to keep smoking and making it ok in your mind.
    what i don't understand is you saying ONLY one month? tell that to someone who only has one day to live and see if they'd cherish that extra month.

  12. helpmefriend Says:

    I guess you did put it into a good perspective for me. Thank you.

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