February 4th, 2008 at 11:53 pm

I received my rebate card from ATT. It only took six weeks, like they said. Woo Hoo, $100. I was amazed. Have you noticed that no one ever sends a check in the mail anymore? I received a gift card that I had to activate. I guess the wrong person had their checks stolen, and now no one really send one out. Sometimes, they won't even give you money back, they credit your account with the excess money. I like getting mine back though.
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$20 Challenge
February 1st, 2008 at 06:43 pm
When I was growing up, I was always told that I should do more laundry, since all the money I find I could keep.
They lied. I found $100. in my Dad's jeans once. Did I get to keep it?
Don't think so
But today, I found $1.60 in my washer. I am grown up and have never found that much change at once.
Add that to my little but growing total.
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$20 Challenge
January 28th, 2008 at 01:23 pm
Put change under FOUND money
10 cents at CVS
2 pennies in a parking lot
That was by 7:30AM.
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$20 Challenge
January 25th, 2008 at 06:07 pm
I just got $10.00 put back into my checking account because the phone company refused the payments. What a day I am having!
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$20 Challenge
January 25th, 2008 at 05:44 pm
Can you believe it? I called about a nearly $300.00 cell phone bill, and without crying, getting loud or upset, and without cussing (my biggie) I got a $66.66 credit to my account. Way to go me! That never would have happened a few months ago. I was so scared of my creditors that I did not even want to talk to them. I thought they would shut me off, send someone to collect, or some other ridiclous plan against me for money. Add that money to my challenge baby!
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$20 Challenge
January 24th, 2008 at 08:37 pm
I paid my $102.54 water bill on time, saving a usual late fee of $2.43. Way to go me. I also called the cable co. to find out why I was being charged for two months of internet, and the guy gave me two $10.00 credits for the next year. That's $20.00 per month that I would have had to pay. He also told me that I was being charged twice since my November bill was half and December bill was never billed at all. How much did I save and not notice it? Just goes to show that you don't complain when you save, but you really pitch a b*&%h when you have to pay more.
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$20 Challenge
January 21st, 2008 at 07:12 pm
Since it has been so cold for the last three days here, I have saved tons in gas money, lunch money, and other things that would have "stolen" my time. I believe that time is money, and my time is worth cash. I don't think that I will put every penny away in this challenge, but I will notice what I spend everyday on just stuff.
I have two children, ages almost 6 and almost 5. I will have to put money towards their birthday parties, but gifts are not a problem, as well as parties at their school.
I look forward to letting everyone know how well I do on the saving.
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$20 Challenge