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Add this to my total

January 24th, 2008 at 08:37 pm

I paid my $102.54 water bill on time, saving a usual late fee of $2.43. Way to go me. I also called the cable co. to find out why I was being charged for two months of internet, and the guy gave me two $10.00 credits for the next year. That's $20.00 per month that I would have had to pay. He also told me that I was being charged twice since my November bill was half and December bill was never billed at all. How much did I save and not notice it? Just goes to show that you don't complain when you save, but you really pitch a b*&%h when you have to pay more.

1 Responses to “Add this to my total”

  1. Amber Says:

    It feels good to pay bills on time. Last year was the first year that I consecutively paid my bills on time and got on the financial wagon. And the $2.43 you saved will be $29.16 saved for the year, good for you Smile and the $20 saved on the cable bill is awesome

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