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Talking to people

January 25th, 2008 at 05:44 pm

Can you believe it? I called about a nearly $300.00 cell phone bill, and without crying, getting loud or upset, and without cussing (my biggie) I got a $66.66 credit to my account. Way to go me! That never would have happened a few months ago. I was so scared of my creditors that I did not even want to talk to them. I thought they would shut me off, send someone to collect, or some other ridiclous plan against me for money. Add that money to my challenge baby!

3 Responses to “Talking to people”

  1. My English Castle Says:

    Fabulous! There was a segment on effective complaining on the CBS Early Show this morning. They emphasized how it pays to be nice!

  2. zenith Says:

    What was your complaint? I mean, did they overcharge you or did you just think it was outrageous how much they charge? Cause, I might try that sometime.

  3. HelpMeFriend Says:

    I did call to complain about the two months charge for January. The opperator explained that when I changed my plan, I was prorated for the rest of the month. My complaint was that I changed plans in November. I should have paid that prorate months ago. He said sorry and fixed it. It can't hurt to call. I have had 3 credits this week for just calling and complaining. But since I did it in a nice way, and complained that I can't afford the change. They will always lower your payment needed rather than lose your business.

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