Viewing the 'Spending Again' Category
March 2nd, 2008 at 02:29 am
I will be trying the new method that I started last week.
I will withdraw an amount every week and when the money is gone, it is gone. I don't count every expense to this. A weekly payment to daycare doesn't count, as that is fixed. Also, I won't be counting the utilities, but defintely the gas, cigarettes, and phone bill.
My phone bill is outrageous!
I have budgeted for the next three months, but then am thinking about cutting down.
I have gotten a little obsessed with this budget thing.
I counted my Sunday breakfast with a coupon, and every other penny spent for the next two weeks.
Well, I guess it's better late than never right?
I hope so.
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Hints and Tips Wanted,
Credit Repair,
Spending Again,
Loving my budget
February 28th, 2008 at 01:33 pm
How long ago did I take that money out of the bank? Not too long ago. This morning I handed over my last two bills for gas and cigarettes. That was it. I have no more money until Monday? How will I do it?
Was this such a good idea?
Now I know how much money I spend in a days time. I just didn't expect to be out of money so fast.
I must really crack down on doing my homework. I don't like homework. I try to get everything done in class. But I have a test today and I didn't study. Yes, I went to work last night and got home late, so I didn't study, but I didn't even bring my book home if I wanted to.
I just don't like to do school work at home. Now I have three big projects due soon, as the quarter draws to an end, and one of them is a group project. AHH!!
I am just glad that I have good grades so that if I lose a couple points, that won't be any big deal!
I paid $450 to a credit card, and they still hate me. Why is this so hard? I just want to see my account online, and they don't want to let me. They told me that the money is posted and I am below my credit limit, but I was transfered to five different people and spent 34 of my precious cell phone minutes trying to get on, but to no avail. No bother, I don't have internet at home right now anyway. They shut me off because my $100 payment didn't cover another $27 that I was still late on. Big deal. I gave you everything I had.
The weekend is coming soon, and I am happy!
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Spending Again,
School Days
February 23rd, 2008 at 07:30 pm
This Sunday is my oldest sons sixth birthday. Saturday is my best friends birthday. Next is my cousins daughter's birthday.
Where is the money going?
My mom is paying for most of the party here. Decorations, prizes, and gift bags are among the cheapest things. She even helped me clean the house.
Well, I am about to go to lunch/dinner with my best friend and her family. At least I know that my money will be well spent. I am having all you can eat shrimp. I will make it worth my money.
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Spending Again,
Darling Dears
February 18th, 2008 at 10:05 pm
Well, we finally did it. The laundry is on its way to never being on the floor again. We also cleaned the kid's room well enough to vacuum the floor in there. I got rid of a ton of trash, as well as some donatable toys. Most of them will go to my best friend, but I know some other children that are in need.
I have been doing a great job of weeding out my closet by getting rid of clothes that I never wear and do not fit anymore.
I did go out today and spend a little money. I mentioned that I ran out of soap, so I bought two. I wanted to get a new hamper for the hallway, but decided that I just need to keep the one I have out there empty. Same goes for clothes. I didn't buy a drawer setup, as I have no place to put it, and I want to rid myself of extras, not find another place that I won't end up putting them.
Purge and you will see the floor!-Me
I saved at least $10.00 while we were gone though. My boys did not want to eat out. Good for them. I was starving! But we came home, put our items away, and I warmed up food in the microwave.
Thanks for keeping Mommy in check boys!
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$20 Challenge,
Spending Again,
Darling Dears
February 17th, 2008 at 04:25 pm
When I woke up this morning, I just wanted to spend money. I want to buy a chest freezer for my kitchen. I want to get new socks for me and my youngest son. I want to spend, spend, spend.
I want to buy a pretty bucket to put cigarette butts in outside.
I want new rugs in the bathroom.
I just want it all.
I don't need any of these things, as I have socks, they just need washed, I have three bath rugs, and my freezer can wait another month or so.
Do I need a "pretty" bucket if it will just sit outside, getting rained on? NO, it is for nasty cig butts.
I am not going anywhere today, to control my hand in the money pocket.
Yeah for me. I can control myself!
Posted in
Credit Repair,
Spending Again
February 13th, 2008 at 12:33 am

I love my children but they are driving me crazy. My oldest is getting in trouble at school, and I don't know how to deal. I was the same way in school, and if I could not figure out how to be good, how can I tell him to be the way I wasn't?
I am lost. His father is a little help, but I am mostly the one going to the school and talking with teachers and the director. They don't call him a principal there.
I was on a first name basis with my principal in school, and I already expressed my feelings that I did not want him to go through that.
I will figure something out. I have to. If he goes to first grade and continues this behavior, they will just kick him out.
On a plus for the day, it was free pancake day at IHOP and I partook. I made a donation to the Childrens Miracle Fund and tipped the server for my meal. It was great.
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$20 Challenge,
Spending Again,
Darling Dears
February 9th, 2008 at 02:40 pm
I know that I have money in my account, so now I want to spend it. I will go to breakfast and try to not go shopping after that. But I wouldn't have had the money to go to breakfast without my state tax refund check. Oh well. I will spend a little and make sure I save money to put on my credit cards. I thought of paying off one of mine this year, like I did last year, but I think I will just make my payments with extra to eat away at the intrest I have built up.
Yum, pancakes!
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Spending Again
February 2nd, 2008 at 03:30 pm
I could not go anywhere.
My kids will drive me crazy.
Where could we go for free?
It's too cold for the zoo.
I want to go to my Grandma's, but then there are about 15 stores on the way home. I will want to stop and "just look".
I could finish the dishes, laundry, clean the bathroom.
My kids will drive me crazy saying they are bored.
They won't want to help though.
I must figure out what to get from the grocery store tomorrow. That makes me want to shop today. I won't go!
I won't do it!
I am going tomorrow only.
I just need to stay here, read the books I have already, and have the kids play in their room for a while. I just don't want to hear the Playstation all day.
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Spending Again
February 2nd, 2008 at 02:53 am
I am sooooo glad that I finally went to the laundry mat and took 6 blankets that have needed washing since this summer. I had them in storage in the shed. They have been bugging me for some time. I took a twenty dollar bill, with $3.75 in quarters.
My three loads of blankets cost $17.00 to wash and dry. I really don't care how much it cost though. Like I said, I've been meaning to do it for months.
Our picnic blanket, denim jean blankets and camping blankets are now clean, and I feel great. I may be broke, but I still feel good.
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Spending Again
January 28th, 2008 at 07:52 pm
Okay, so I did spend $2.00 on a new puzzle from the Salvation Army, but that puzzle will give us plenty of nights of entertainment. My two children love to do puzzles. I just wanted to have one that was more challenging for Mommy and Daddy.
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Spending Again
January 25th, 2008 at 02:34 am
I came up with a great idea on how to get rid of all this extra money that I keep saying I have. I spent 32.00 on Quicken to tell me how I spend my money. I already had online with my bank. What did I need that for?
I have done s@#t like that before. And I know I'm wasting it too. Smack me!
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Spending Again