Home > Trouble in Paradise

Trouble in Paradise

February 13th, 2008 at 12:33 am

I love my children but they are driving me crazy. My oldest is getting in trouble at school, and I don't know how to deal. I was the same way in school, and if I could not figure out how to be good, how can I tell him to be the way I wasn't?
I am lost. His father is a little help, but I am mostly the one going to the school and talking with teachers and the director. They don't call him a principal there.
I was on a first name basis with my principal in school, and I already expressed my feelings that I did not want him to go through that.
I will figure something out. I have to. If he goes to first grade and continues this behavior, they will just kick him out.
On a plus for the day, it was free pancake day at IHOP and I partook. I made a donation to the Childrens Miracle Fund and tipped the server for my meal. It was great.

3 Responses to “Trouble in Paradise”

  1. JanH Says:

    You cracked me up with your photo! I wish I had some good advice for you, but I don't. Is there a reason for him acting up like boredom or issues with another child or the teacher? Does his school have a counselor on staff that could advise you on behaviour issues? Good luck!

  2. mom-from-missouri Says:

    what is his diet and health like?

    DD4 was like that, then we found out she had a medical issue. Now that we have a grip on the medical issue, behavior is no longer an issue.

    I ask about diet because while teaching, I see kids who are sugarholics & carbaholics--and their behavior is a reflection of it.

  3. helpmefriend Says:

    My son is now on ADHD medication. When his teacher asked what may trigger bad behavior, I asked if he had already eaten lunch. He can be very cranky when hungry. I do limit his sugar intake, as I always have, but lately, I don't think it is anything physical. I wish I could get him to talk to me and tell me what is bothering him.
    He was kicked out of daycare again yesterday. He can not go back until tomorrow. I don't want to reward his bad behavior by sending him to a Valentines party at school if he can't keep his hands to himself any other time.

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