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Home Blessing is done!

February 18th, 2008 at 10:05 pm

Well, we finally did it. The laundry is on its way to never being on the floor again. We also cleaned the kid's room well enough to vacuum the floor in there. I got rid of a ton of trash, as well as some donatable toys. Most of them will go to my best friend, but I know some other children that are in need.
I have been doing a great job of weeding out my closet by getting rid of clothes that I never wear and do not fit anymore.
I did go out today and spend a little money. I mentioned that I ran out of soap, so I bought two. I wanted to get a new hamper for the hallway, but decided that I just need to keep the one I have out there empty. Same goes for clothes. I didn't buy a drawer setup, as I have no place to put it, and I want to rid myself of extras, not find another place that I won't end up putting them.
Purge and you will see the floor!-Me
I saved at least $10.00 while we were gone though. My boys did not want to eat out. Good for them. I was starving! But we came home, put our items away, and I warmed up food in the microwave.
Thanks for keeping Mommy in check boys!

2 Responses to “Home Blessing is done!”

  1. Aleta Says:

    Home blessing sounds like FlyLady language to me. Congratulations on you taking charge of not buying more stuff. It's hard when all we hear is buy this container and organize your clutter. As Flylady says, "you can't organize clutter".

  2. HelpMeFriend Says:

    That is what I was doing. Flylady saved this house about 6 months ago. I joined here to save my finances. That is how I got into the habit of buying crap, and my money got out of whack.

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