Home > sitting outside and enjoying the free

sitting outside and enjoying the free

March 22nd, 2011 at 08:16 pm

I have recently been purchasing flowers and bulbs for my new home. I have already had a ton of flowers pop up that the former homeowner had planted, and now I am adding my own little pieces of heaven. I will be planting a garden as well, for food and for stress relief.
I have decided that I am not going to spend anymore money on the outdoors. I have purchased enough seed starter cups, dirt, seeds, and tools to last the summer.
I will eventually have food that I can feed my family and friends, cutting on my grocery bill. But I have decided that I can no longer spend any more money on these things, especially the items that are just for looks.
I am thankful to have this 1/2 an acre to plant and grow on, which I will use to its full extent. I plan on harvesting the walnuts in our backyard as well.
I really wanted to purchase a fruit tree, but alas, that must wait till next year!

2 Responses to “sitting outside and enjoying the free”

  1. Petunia 100 Says:

    My Mom has 2 walnut trees. For years, she has collected them, shelled them, and packaged them in ziploc bags, 1 lb. each. She sells them between Thanksgiving and Christmas when people are doing a lot of baking. It's a lot of work, but she makes a nice profit.

  2. HelpMeFriend Says:

    Oh, something to think about. I was only thinking about my own personal consumption!

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