Home > Why I get up early

Why I get up early

March 21st, 2011 at 11:22 am

I have learned that if I am ready to go by the time I awaken the Kraken from their beds, I will yell less, freak out less, can provide food and love more, and the whole house has a better feel to it. This saves our sanity, which saves me money. If I am up early, I can get my caffeine fix and not stop at the gas station on the way in to work.
Breakfast found in the fridge and cabinets will be cheaper than the bar or bag I grab to go with that great big soda at the same station.
I have my kids eat everyday, but making myself do it is another story.
If I get ready early, I can sit and eat with them, instead of putting socks on people who have been capable of that for YEARS. Saving my sanity and some cash one morning at time! Smile

4 Responses to “ Why I get up early”

  1. creditcardfree Says:

    That is a great tip for those with little ones!

  2. CB in the City Says:

    I got in the habit of getting up early when my kids were home; now I'm still in the habit. It gives me extra time to watch the news, have a cup of coffee -- gives me a calm start to my day.

  3. LittleGopher Says:

    Yes, me too on getting up early to get the day off to a good start. I get up at 5am during the week...and now that I've done that for so long, it's pretty much when I wake up all the time no alarm needed (and it's early to bed for me :-)

    Good for you figuring out what works!!

  4. Joan.of.the.Arch Says:

    Well, Hi! Long time no see; but I guess I have missed a few of your posts this month....Being fully conscious with kids is so important!

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