Home > Long time, no write!

Long time, no write!

March 19th, 2011 at 10:22 pm

So sorry folks. Life sure does get in the way sometimes.
Also, I have had such a time with a house fiasco I forgot to tell you all about it.
I did not get that house for two reasons, one: it wasn't meant to be, and two: if something is cheap, there is usually a reason.
So, we paid an extra $20,000 for a cute, much smaller, perfect neighborhood ranch.
Plenty of room to grow, plenty of room for now, and we're in the neighborhood we want to be in.
I have made five mortgage payments so far, only 355 to go!
November 11th of this year!
I can't wait!

3 Responses to “Long time, no write!”

  1. ceejay74 Says:

    Welcome back and congratulations! Sounds like all great news. Are you marrying the boyfriend you wrote about before?

  2. HelpMeFriend Says:

    Yes! We've been together for over 9 years. I am glad I didn't rush into it, but man has it been forever!

  3. creditcardfree Says:

    Congratulations on your upcoming wedding!

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