Home > Anyone have an extra $1000

Anyone have an extra $1000

July 29th, 2009 at 01:41 pm

I guess that's where an emergency fund comes from. I only have $25 in mine and my man's transmission in his work truck went out Friday. Now he is driving the gas guzzler loaded down with hundreds of pounds of tools. No extra spending!

2 Responses to “Anyone have an extra $1000”

  1. creditcardfree Says:

    Can you have a garage sale for extra cash? Anything else you can sell on craigslist or ebay?

  2. HELPmeFriend Says:

    I have been trying to have a yard sale, but haven't had the weekend without work to do it. There has been some excellent weather for it, but taking the time to set up and having help here is a hindrance to my money making. I will just have to do it next weekend. I'll recruit my neighbors!

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