Home > Things come to those who wait.

Things come to those who wait.

July 1st, 2009 at 10:28 pm

Three weeks ago, while my Other Half was at work, someone came out of the office and told him to take one of their old desks to the dumpster. It was nice, really nice. After asking the boss permission to take it home, since trash is still the property of the company, he called home and I cleared a spot out in the living room for the new item. 6 feet of space in here is amazing, so it took me a while to do.

Later that day, after waiting 4 hours, my man came home upset. He said that someone else gave the desk away so some bystander. He asked permission and was mad that it was given away to someone who didn't need it. He overheard him mention about taking it to a furniture store and selling it to them. I told him that it was okay and that we have a desk that is working just fine. I bought a small corner desk to fit with our other furniture. Since then we have gotten rid of our other couch and a hutch cabinet. We have more room.

Today, I have gotten a call that a much nicer desk out of a much higher ranking office was given to him and promised to be saved for him and him alone. Now, I am about to make more room in here, remove everything from this desk and give it to my boys in their room for homework.

Good things come to those who wait. Don't complain while you wait, or you won't receive.

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