Home > Grocery Store Purchases

Grocery Store Purchases

April 23rd, 2009 at 12:02 pm

Four Gal milk:$1.98 each
1 bag Doritos:$2.22
2 lbs. hamburger:$2.98

Not bad, or so I thought.
Did you know that in addition to showing how much you saved, Marsh shows you a percentage of how much of your bill you saved. I saved 34% on that bill. WOW!
I guess I should have been saving at other places all the time.

I am also doing my best to not support China and stopped buying at Walmart as much. Since I have no money, not shopping is easy. But, not going there for groceries is kinda hard. I am a hard-core Kroger girl, but for paper products, you couldn't beat the low, low prices.
Doing my part for the earth and my wallet.

1 Responses to “Grocery Store Purchases”

  1. Amber Says:

    Wal-mart is always a last resource for me. I try to stay out of that place as much as possible. I'm not working but I'd rather spend a little more at Publix than go to Wal-Mart, it's hard but I manage and I do understand

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