Home > Saving on entertainment

Saving on entertainment

April 20th, 2009 at 11:08 pm

We haven't rented, bought, or even thought about spending any extra money on our gaming systems.
That is good for me.

We tried to use a game system for a reward system for our DS7 who was having accidents. We have since had to come up with another reward, since we can't afford what we set out for him.

He understands about money being tight, and sees what else we have sacrificed for it. It would be hard to say we don't have the money if we were buying other things. It's hard owning up to a little kid, especially if they catch you in a lie.

How come we can't get my game but you can have new (fill in the blank)?
They used to harp about my cigarettes, but I have been slowing down, trying to quit. I made it 4 1/2 days before caving. I am now on little cigars and they have no nicotine in them, being made of mostly natural materials.
Saving money is hard now, but I guess it could be worse. I could be scraping together our change for gas money. I remember those days.
Doing better, but still could use some extra $. I work two nights this week, so that is good.

1 Responses to “Saving on entertainment”

  1. Apprentice Bliss Hunter Says:

    As a single man, I have no idea of how you manage to run a household with 2 adults and 2 kids in these times while trying to repay debt, go to school and keep everyone happy....

    All I'll say is that you have my complete admiration....:-)

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