Home > Christmas Clearance

Christmas Clearance

January 3rd, 2009 at 11:30 pm

I love clearance!!

I bought a ton of stuff for next year. I have added up on my receipt and found out that I only spent $32.75(not including tax) on about $100 worth of stuff. The little line that states you saved this much said that I saved $61.07(not including tax).
That is a lot to me. That is why I wait till now to buy those items. I found 6 rolls of 90 square feet of wrapping paper for $.70 each.
I did have to spend $13 on a new paper holder, but the one I had was too short anyway. I was upset when I got home and the paper I had didn't fit. The new one is almost as tall as me and I think it will be perfect.

I will also have to sort out the gift bags I got so they aren't folded in the cold and heat in my shed. Soon, I will be getting summer stuff out and will have a better idea on how much holiday stuff I really have.

2 Responses to “Christmas Clearance”

  1. Amber Says:

    Good idea buying after the holiday,I wish I had some extra cash because I would have also bought some things

  2. HelpMeFriend Says:

    The trick is not buying ANYTHING for the holidays before and during the holidays. That is the only reason I had extra.

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