Home > My Reward

My Reward

December 1st, 2008 at 05:55 pm

I am growing up. I can tell.
When hunger pains hit today, I didn't stop at the Mc'Ds, Long John's, or the Pizza Hut. I went straight home, heated up some of the last of Turkey day leftovers, a steak and potato from last night, and a big glass of water.

I am proud of myself, since I really wanted a steaming greasy burger with a pop.
I don't have those things here, since we are trying to cut down.

Way to go me. My reward was a great meal that was worth the 15 minute wait of driving home and heating it up for 3 mins.

4 Responses to “My Reward”

  1. creditcardfree Says:

    Great job! I just ate peanut butter and jelly with a banana before I head out to run errands. Smile

  2. Ms. Pearl Says:

    good job!

  3. mom-from-missouri Says:

    Good. You're getting there. You probably saved what? $5-$7. May not seem like much, but do it again, and again and it adds up quickly!

  4. homebody Says:

    I had leftover frittata from yesterday morning for lunch today. Leftover turkey/ham in my big salad for dinner! It becomes a habit after a while.

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