Home > Time flies...

Time flies...

October 3rd, 2008 at 07:55 pm

111 days until my blogoversary. This is amazing that I have had the focus and determination to keep spilling my money guts all over.
I am sure that posting my doings here has help me to control excess spending, and ask questions to people like me before making a big decission about money.
I do appreciate the help I get from you, checking out all of your pages too.
When January rolls around, I should be more financially fit by one year of posting that 25 years of life didn't teach me.

You help me friends!
Thank you!

1 Responses to “Time flies...”

  1. homebody Says:

    This is amazing that I have had the focus and determination to keep spilling my money guts all over.
    LOL. You are way ahead of a lot of people. Chin up! Love really is the most important thing.

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